Inappropriate Work Conversations

It’s super important to your satisfaction at work that you maintain positive, strong relationships with those who surround you. However, whether a mentor, coworker, teammate, boss, CEO, or supervisor, there are certain conversation topics that are inappropriate in any work setting. Keep reading to find out the specific subjects to always avoid!

  • Religious or Spiritual Discussions: Complex topics like these are always important to avoid. Because almost every person you meet will have a different experience and perspective of what religion or spiritual journey they’ve embarked on, you are better safe than sorry by avoiding the topic completely.
  • Politics: On the same note as above, speaking of politics is extremely difficult, as everyone views these topics in a different light, and often has a relatively strong opinion. Conversations of these type may become intense or sometimes even hostile, and your workplace is not the environment for this type of debate.
  • Weight or Physical Appearance: In order to avoid running the risk of accidentally insulting someone else, weight and physical appearance discussions should be viewed as inappropriate and personal, which does not have value within your office. Now, this does not mean that you can’t compliment someone else, just be conscious of how you impact others!
  • Speaking about Other Employees: Gossip is never, ever the answer! It is unrealistic to assume that you would never become irritated with someone else at work, however, it is extremely inappropriate to talk behind others backs. Saying negative things in secret will find its way back to bite you and alter your reputation in a negative manner.
    • Extra Tip: Also, always be conscious of the feedback and critique you deliver to others! Running the line of becoming too harsh and even hurtful is a dangerous game and should be avoided. Applying the rule of “sandwiching” negative commentary among positive notes is a strong way to avoid hurting others’ feelings.
  • Romance or Relationships: Again, there is a place and time to discuss your personal life. However, during 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, while you are obligated to be completing your professional responsibilities, is not the appropriate time to do so. Again, be aware of your surroundings and the way that you are viewed as a result of your conversations with others! There are many hours of the day where you are not working, and speaking in depth about your personal life should occur in this time, not in the office.
  • Hangovers: As we’ve noted several times, it is important to leave your details of the night before outside of the office. While you are more or less free to do whatever you want once you’re off for the day, when you return to your desk you are expected to be professional and fully present.

By avoiding these inappropriate work conversation topics, you are guaranteed to ensure your reputation will be one of a professional, essential employee to your company!

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Curious about negative body languages which should also be avoided in the workplace? Find them out here!