Staying Well-rounded While Working
Regardless of your professional position, it is always important to maintain a well-rounded life outside of work. In order to lead a fulfilling lifestyle and achieve true happiness, a person should become involved and engaged in several aspects of life outside of their career. Keep reading to learn about what we’re referring to!
- Professional Organizations: Yep, you heard it right! Clubs and organizations don’t end after college! In fact, there is just nearly an endless number of professional organizations offered to adults. No matter what profession you are a part of, or what industry your job categorizes into, there is an organization for you. The American Marketing Association provides us a quick step-by-step set of instructions to get you started!
- Giving Back: At Esquire Recruiting, we are strong believers that giving back to the community helps individuals increase their overall sense of satisfaction, as well as generate genuine gratitude. For that reason, we encourage all people to participate in volunteer work, charity organizations, and in any establishment that could use some help. It’s as easy as donating a few hours of your week to a local YMCA, food pantry, soup kitchen, etc.
- Taking Classes: If you are someone who hopes to expand their education, possibly by attaining an additional, higher degree, now is the time to do it! If you feel you are in a stable working position, don’t hesitate to take advantage of your stability and begin expanding your education! There’s never a bad time to try a new class. If you have an interest that you are willing to explore, try taking a night course at a neighboring college. These courses are extremely accessible and guaranteed to benefit your professional career by providing you with well-rounded intelligence.
- Staying Current: Although you may feel that you are comfortable and proficient in your current position, we assure you that there is always room to grow! Continue working to expand your professional network (as well as personal), as each person you connect with has valuable knowledge to offer. Just as you likely did in college, keep engaging in coffee dates, quick meetings, and phone calls with those who inspire you and interest you in their career.
- Health: If you take one thing away from this blog, understand the importance of your health. Prioritize your exercise, diet, and overall physical health. If your work interferes with your ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it may not be the correct position for you. Be conscious of your diet, level and amount of exercise, and overall self-care to maintain well-rounded health. This may also include mediation and mindfulness practice.
- Hobby: Make sure you’re not a one trick wonder! Take up a new hobby, dedicate time for yourself and your own enjoyment, and make sure you value you! Try a new cooking class, art course, restaurant, activity (sport), exercise (cardio, rollerblading, paddle-boarding, etc.!), or any of the “fun inexpensive hobbies” provided by!
- Relationships: Finally, always be mindful of your relationships with others. As we previously stated, work should not interfere with a healthy lifestyle, and a huge component of a healthy lifestyle is your relationships with others. Make time for family, friends, coworkers, bosses, children, and all of the people who help make you, you!
Always remember… although it may feel like you’re always at work, you’re not! We hope that each of you has a well-rounded life outside of your profession and that by incorporating these activities into your lifestyle, you will all achieve genuine satisfaction and happiness.
Does reading this make you second guess your job? Read more about how to know when to change jobs!
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