Tag Archive for: opportunity

In our last article, we pointed out some interesting cautions to take when thinking about hiring friends and family. However, just as many endeavors come with pros and cons, so does this one! So, if you’re in the position of expanding your business and taking on new employees, make sure to keep reading about why it may benefit you to consider close friends or family…

Keeping Family on Board…

  1. You Know Them Best: We hope this does not come as a surprise that whether we’re talking about your spouse, partner, friend, family member, sibling, past coworker, or any other close relationship you have, you likely know more about them than most other people in the world! Knowing all of the strengths of the person you hire before even placing them in a position is an enormous benefit for your business model. We encourage you to, again, evaluate the responsibilities of your open role in detail to be able to fully consider if this person would take over in a positive way.
  2. Surpassing Onboarding: Especially for those of you in a time crunch, on a start-up timeline, or crammed for expansion, hiring someone that you know, love, and trust will allow you to diminish the time it takes to run background checks, tests, and a whole bunch of time-consuming onboarding tasks. Time, as we know it, is the most scarce resource in the world! So lack of it may prove one of the best moments to ask a favor of a loved one.
    • Extra Tip: Look out for opportunities where you may require a temporary, informal favor! While this by no means should encourage you to ask for hours of volunteer work from your friends or family, bringing someone on to nail out a quick business problem, solidify the launch of a new role or opportunity, or to take some of the burdens off of your shoulders could prove enormously useful and beneficial to your entire company.
  3. Pre-Established Trust: In the same way that you will most likely be well aware of this person’s strengths to use to both their and your own advantage, it is more likely than not that you will be taking someone on with an already solidified level of trust. When this comes to delegating tasks and giving up certain responsibilities that you are used to mandating on your own, it is crucial to be able to hand off your duties to someone you know will prove their worth!
  4. They Care About You! While your business will always be your own “baby,” the people closest to you will also feel a personal investment in your success. Hiring someone who already feels an attachment to your company and its initiatives is someone who will stand by your side through thick and thin.

Now that you know the pros and cons of including those that you love in your business, you are ready to take on the hiring process!

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Missed Monday? Find out why NOT to hire people you “cannot” fire here!

Last Thursday, we introduced you to some key benefits of sticking with an internship for a second year around. However, we wouldn’t be doing you justice if we didn’t show you the other side of this perspective! Keep reading to find out some reasons that may lead to you explore a different opportunity for your second internship before pursuing a full-time career!

Benefits of Exploring…

  1. Gaining New Perspectives: By pursuing an internship at a new company, you are guaranteeing yourself a new opportunity to experience your career interest from a different perspective. We can guarantee that no matter the company, every organization runs operations differently from one another, and there is no perfect formula for success. If you are interested in what Marketing Management, Digital Experience, Website Development, Social Media Marketing, or hundreds of other different responsibilities looks like from a different team and company altogether, transitioning out of your current role may likely prove beneficial.
  2. More Diverse Network: If you worked in a large corporation this summer, you will still be able to expand your network across diverse backgrounds, experiences, and career desires. However, smaller companies, and therefore a lower number of employees, will not allow you to do so as efficiently. If you are finding yourself in this position, exploring a new opportunity will help you to expand your network across companies, potentially industries, and most definitely from a new variety of experiences and perspectives!
  3. Relocation Opportunity: Working for the same company may require you to work within the exact same location and environment. If you are interested in testing the waters in a different area of your state, region, or country altogether than this is the time to do so! Internships are temporary and only last a few months, so there is no greater time in your life to explore a completely new environment than now.
  4. Alternative Company Culture: Just as no two companies operate identically, no two companies provide the exact same culture and atmosphere. Especially if you are someone who did not 100% “vibe” with your companies social environment, highest values, or beliefs, then we encourage you to gauge a different perspective by trying an entirely new environment at a different organization. While different industries often mean different cultures, you can still find a large and wide variety within your own industry (ex: Marketing).

We hope that these new perspectives help you weigh the pros and cons of sticking or straying from your first internship! We trust that with this newfound knowledge, each of you will make fantastic decisions and continue to accelerate your professional development and respective careers. So… happy searching!

Looking for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Missed some benefits of staying at your internship? Find them out here!

In the heat of career fair season, we understand that many of you are faced with the decision to either return to the company you worked for this summer or pursue a new opportunity. Today, as part 1 of our 2 part saga, we’re hoping to teach you about some of the benefits of following a second-year internship at the same company.

Benefits of Returning . . .

  1. Sense of Role-ownership: One great aspect of returning to the same company you’ve worked at before is the relationships you’ve already built. Utilizing those connections, especially with hiring managers or internal recruiters, may allow you to gain some freedom in choosing which role you pursue in your second year. Whether this means transitioning to another team, project, or an entirely new subset of a company, taking advantage of internal resources will prove highly valuable.
  2. New Mentors: Another way to make use of your experience is by beginning to envision the type of mentor, or mentors you can pursue upon your return. Building additional connections to expand your internal, and potentially external, network is a great way to continue to gauge your own career interests and desires.
  3. Even Larger Network: While you have likely already built a sturdy network within the company you worked for, returning will allow you to build an even larger number of connections by surrounding yourself with employees of all different backgrounds, job functions, and teams. While this is especially useful for interns or graduates returning to larger companies which offer a greater and larger variety of employees, deepening connections will always prove useful. You never know if the connection you built may find themselves in a leadership role and in need of a new employee on their team. Better yet, mentors often transition into higher roles where they may then recommend you to take their previous spot!
  4. Opportunity to Relocate: If you work for an organization which houses several locations across the United States, returning to your previous position as an intern may allow you to internally “build your roots” within the company and, later on, have a greater say in where you are placed permanently. This is a huge component of your future and definitely important to continue to keep in mind! If you are happy where you live, you are much more likely to enjoy what you do!

Now that you’ve seen some leading factors in the benefits of returning to a company for a second-year internship, we’ll introduce you to a few reasons that may lead you to decide to explore elsewhere. While we don’t have the right answer for you, we’re hoping that you can lead feeling educated, well-versed, and with multiple different perspectives!

Missed our last blog? Check out what to look for before accepting a position here!

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs!