Summer Organization Habits!
Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! Today, we’re here to introduce you to some of our favorite ways to get organized and help set ourselves up for personal and professional success in the summer. Ever heard of Spring cleaning?! Why not make it Summer?! Keep reading to find out some of our favorite organizational habits today…
Let’s Get Organized…
- Closet Clean-Out: First and foremost, our personal environment, including clutter and closet, has a huge impact on overall productivity feel, and motivation. If you, like myself, know that there are a bunch of pieces in your closet that haven’t seen the light of day in years, now is the perfect time to reevaluate your wardrobe by cleaning out your closet. Doing so will allow you to gauge what you have, what you may treat yourself to, and overall de-clutter your living space.
- Goal Reevaluation: Just as we’ve reminded you throughout the year, a change of season will always prove a fantastic time to reevaluate goals that you’ve set out to achieve over the course of the year. Are you staying on track to measurable metrics? Is this the motivator you need to dive back into your original plans? If so, we recommend writing goals down, sharing with friends and family to create a support and accountability system, and beginning to get on track today!
- Switch Up Your “WFH” Office Environment: One reason that you may be feeling stuck or lacking creativity/motivation is that you’ve been situated in the same physical space for far too long. Simply moving an office work-from-home desk towards a window, moving work out of your bedroom, adding a new step to your routine (like morning breakfast, smoothie, or coffee!) will help you feel a sense of rejuvenation and a new beginning.
- Schedule Productivity: Finally, we always encourage you to document time for yourself (even if it looks like work!) into your schedule. Not only does doing so inform those around you of your plans and when they can expect you to be “reachable”, but it allows you to stay accountable to your own plan and check another task off your to-do list! Scheduling in time for a closet cleanout, a home re-org., a morning walk, and any other activity will serve as both a reminder to do so and motivation to get started!
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