Catching Up After Break

It is easy to push off responsibilities over holidays and breaks from work. After all, this might have been your first time home and scheduled relaxation in month! If you are beginning to feel stressed about falling behind on schoolwork or professional work, don’t worry! Today, we’re here to teach you about some strategies to get back on track…

Let’s Play Catch-Up!

  • Set a Routine: The reason why many of us feel that we’ve fallen off track after long breaks is because we are situated outside of a regular routine, leaving ample time for a lot of blank space and downtime. For that reason, make sure to sit down on the Sunday prior to your return to work or school and set a weekly routine so as to implement specific time periods for catch-up and worktime. Routines and schedules are also a fantastic measure of holding yourself accountable for your responsibilities!
  • Early Wake-Ups: We know this isn’t ideal, and many of us dread that 7:00 AM wakeup call. However, in the week or so (usually a time period equivalent to your break) following Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Fourth of July, etc., it will prove immensely valuable to your schedule to take back an hour of the day that you may regularly use for sleep. You’ll be surprised at your body’s ability to work hard and function even on a lower quantity of sleep over temporary time periods; this could be an especially great resource for catching up.
  • Try Out a New Atmosphere: Just as it is easy to fall out of routine when you return home or to a place outside of your regular environment, it is just as easy to get all too comfortable in a place over time. Whether this be a coffee shop, your room, a specific library or classroom, or any study space that you’ve found, it’s almost subconscious that we start to become less focused and more comfortable in a repetitive space. For that reason, we encourage you to at least try out a new space one-time post-break and test your productivity. Sometimes all it takes is a new atmosphere to stimulate work and motivation!
  • Forgive Yourself: One last tip… always make sure to be easy on yourself after a break! There is no reason to ever regret the time you spent with loved ones or the extra sleep you caught upon. It was deserved and it was enjoyable! Allow yourself breaks and make sure to get enough sleep still so as to maintain productivity.

By allowing yourself ample time to catch up, reorganizing your routine temporarily, and supporting yourself both physically and mentally, you will be sure to catch-up on any missed work in no time!

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