Spring has Sprung!

Hello everyone and welcome back from a warm and refreshing weekend! Happy Holidays to those who’ve celebrated Passover, Good Friday, and Easter as well! As we can see and feel, the Spring season is now among us more than ever before. So, what does that mean for you and your productivity?! It’s time to CLEAN!

Let’s Spring Clean…


Spring cleaning is absolutely a phrase we all know and love. There’s no better way to engage in a refreshing mindset than to refresh the space around you. We are huge fans of engaging with the “turning hanger” rule – i.e.: decluttering any pieces of clothing you haven’t worn in the past few seasons, denoted by “turning the hanger” the opposite way once worn. Ask yourself questions like, “do I wear this?” “Is this still my style?” “Do I need this” “What is the function of this piece of clothing?” etc! In a matter of minutes, you’ll be able to decipher what clothing is special and meaningful to you, and which garments are simply taking up space. Feel free to apply this mindset to your office supplies, shoes, accessories, or anything else that you think deserves an update!

Switch it Up!

Spring is also a fantastic time to create a new space to operate in! Many of us have been cooped up in our last-minute bedroom renovated “office” spaces for the last year – it’s no doubt time for a change. Simply turning your bed in a different direction, moving your desk in front of a window, or “accessorizing” with a new lamp or curtain will totally transform the energy of your workspace. Even transitioning to a different room or floor in your home could create an entirely new and previously unforeseen way to work!

Re-evaluate Winter Goals

Finally, a new season brings an optimal moment to re-evaluate a goal set that had been created a few months prior. Are you on track with the little steps? Holding yourself accountable? Progressing towards an ultimate number, time, percentage, or another measure of success? If so, keep on chugging! If, instead you’re finding that a previously set goal no longer suits your motives, then this is a great time to re-draft your hopes and accountable measure for the rest of spring up to the start of summer.

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