Welcome back, everyone! Today, we’re here to send you into the weekend full of delight. That’s right, by following the below, you’ll be sure to unplug from work obligations, clear your mind, and capitalize on the free time afforded by the weekend.

Weekend Delight through These Strategies:

  • Set Boundaries in Advance: In order to truly achieve the goal of unplugging, it’s crucial to set yourself up for success by creating boundaries in advance. Whether this means a time of day, a specific day in the week, or a limited number of times checked, set a restriction for yourself to follow regarding your work and technology. Implementing these subtle goals will provide you with a sense of achievement and a “rule” to stay accountable to. There are also many ways that you can hold yourself accountable within your own mobile device, set screen time limits and reminders on social apps so that you can truly understand the amount of time you’re spending scrolling.
  • Capitalize on Open Space and Time: If you feel the same way as I do, then you know that creeping feeling that settles in that you should be doing “more” when lying in bed or sitting unoccupied. For that reason, try to occupy yourself over the weekend by creating a schedule or set of plans to take action. If it’s nice outside, make sure to get outdoors for a walk, a picnic, a trip to the dog park, a barbeque, a drink outside, or even a workout class. This is also a great way to keep up with friends in a socially casual setting doing something that you enjoy! Especially if you’re looking to broaden your friendships, we encourage you to reach out to someone new and ask if they’d like to get together this weekend to connect.
  • Be the Initiator! On the same note as the above, we all know the all-too-easy feeling of allowing others to initiate plans and maintain friendships. However, we challenge YOU to call up a friend for a coffee date, schedule a walk, coordinate a restaurant reservation or night out to the movies, and otherwise get the group together! After all, creating plans with others is a clear bet to pay off for you in the end too; so, look up fun activities in your city this afternoon and call up a friend you haven’t connected with in some time to connect over quality time this weekend.
    • Extra Tip: Today marks the start of Chicago’s restaurant week; is there a new restaurant you’ve been itching to try recently? The next few weeks are a perfect excuse to explore the city and find your new favorite spot to eat.
  • Maintain Open Communication With Your Team: If a sense of guilt is taking over your mind, it may be a result of a difference between operating standards within your team or organization. Remember, just because your coworker or manager may stay online through all hours of the night does not mean that you must! Having an open communication plan where you let your manager know when you will and will not be reachable by mail or whatever it may be will relieve your sense of uncertainty and therefore need to stay in contact at all times. Something that I do that I find super helpful is muting any notifications from ‘work apps’ on my phone throughout the weekend – this way, even if someone is emailing on a Sunday, I won’t be reminded of it until Monday morning.
  • Treat Yourself to Something FUN! Whether this is a few dollars spent on a new coffee from your local shop, a trip to the spa, an outing to dinner, a sports game, a concert, a new piece of jewelry, an hour of meditation, a daily journaling session, or anything else that brings you joy … treat yourself this weekend! It is all too often that days pass us by without even a moment of acknowledgment of doing something solely for YOU. So, regardless of spend, find an activity or treat that will bring you joy this weekend and indulge.. after all, we work to live!

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Welcome back, everyone! We’re jumping back into work after an important holiday weekend, commemorating the ever-influential Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We hope that you were able to take part in even the smallest bit of service during the Nationally recognized day of service, give back to your community, or pass on generosity in his honor!

Keep reading below for a fun topic that is especially relevant to our Midwest following,… how to take advantage of winter weather and extra time spent indoors!

Capitalizing on Winter Weather and Staying Indoors

Enroll in a LinkedIn course or Elevated Learning Opportunity

As we often speak about, the world is truly a candidate’s oyster year-round as it relates to elevating professional expertise and skills. Whether on LinkedIn, Google, Amazon, Adobe, or entirely separate from social platforms, the internet hosts an endless number of resources through which to enroll in learning opportunities. If you are even beginning to ponder the idea of a promotion, job shift, or industry change, then this is the perfect time to engage and create goals!

We encourage you to begin your learning journey by simply surfing the web to identify the naming conventions of skills that appeal to you, scan through job postings to gauge the skills listed, or even take a course for fun! The idea of practicing learning is one that will provide value throughout the rest of your entire life, and ‘exercising’ the muscle that is your brain, outside of daily repetitive tasks, is a perfect way to stay sharp and ahead of the curve in 2024.

Creating a Reading Goal or Trying out a New Genre

Similarly to the idea of ‘learning’, taking up reading as a hobby in the winter is a key point in the year through which to create tangible change. Whether this looks like taking advantage of online platforms like ‘Good Reads‘ to create annual goals, or writing down a few books that you’re interested in this season, reading is a perfect pathway to help you unplug from the drain of a workday and escape through any genre of your choice. If you’re seeking a challenge, we encourage you to frame goals around new genres, ‘self-help’ or industry-focused books, or otherwise poke into a subject you have no prior knowledge of.

Cleaning Out Your Spaces One-by-One

Finally, we encourage you to embrace the ‘refresh’ that comes with a New Year. It’s never too late to get started, either on January 1st, tomorrow or throughout the year, refreshing your space by keeping it clean and intentionally decluttering is a key strategy for sustaining work-from-home energy and motivation. While approaching an entire apartment or home may feel daunting, splitting cleaning up into ‘phases’ through dividing out rooms, areas of a room (ex: your closet, dresser, cabinets, drawers, etc.), or sections of your home will compartmentalize a task into approachable steps. In doing so, it is also optimal to create accountability through consistency: Can you dedicate 10 minutes each day to de-cluttering? One hour each week? One afternoon per month? Whichever cadence most seamlessly fits into your routine will undoubtedly prove most sustainable long-term.

  • Extra Tip: When and where able, reward yourself! Creating incentives through ‘chores’ turned into activities is a simple strategy to transform dread or procrastination into excitement. For example, if you declutter your closet, you can create a reward by purchasing new closet organizers to optimize the space. If you, similarly declutter a makeup drawer, maybe it’s time to take a trip to your nearest Sephora and replenish some items! Creating small ‘wins’ is a helpful strategy to make ‘fun’ out of seemingly ‘mundane’ tasks.

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Welcome back to Part 2 of our 2-part series surrounding job offer declines and more positively, acceptances! Keep reading along to tune into all of the ways to seamlessly move through a job acceptance process, while also ensuring that your needs are met and expectations set for long-term job satisfaction!

Elements of Job Acceptance

Express Appreciation

Immediately after your interview concludes, and regardless of the outcome of your journey, we encourage you to continue showing gratitude to all employees who assisted you in the interview process (whether internal or external). Writing a follow-up email, handwritten letter, and saying ‘thank you for your time’ before your interview concludes is a fantastic way to set yourself up for success! Even better, if you’re interviewing for an internal role, take advantage of any opportunity to express gratitude in person instead of through a screen; expressing appreciation and excitement will set the tone off the right way for the rest of your interview experience, especially if your next step is negotiating.

Time Length

Maintain awareness of important timelines regarding your offer acceptance. Once you receive a formal offer letter (either through email or sent to your permanent address), take a meaningful amount of time to review the terms, conditions, benefits, compensation, and all aspects of what your role will include. Doing so may take a few days, and that’s okay! Make sure to continue communicating with the hiring manager, maintain transparency, and proceed when you’re comfortable and ready. Establishing the window of acceptance during the interview process is a great way to set expectations; make sure to ask the right questions during your interview to understand when to expect to hear back, when your answer should be submitted, and if/when a negotiation period will begin.

That Brings us to our Next Point… Negotiate!

After reviewing an offer letter, we highly encourage you to negotiate details of benefits, or compensation in the form of salary, PTO, benefits, etc. Whether you value a 401K plan, health insurance coverage, or a few extra days off each year will be a completely personal and unique assessment of your career and future mindset. Remember, there’s no better time to achieve the exact offer that you want than right before you accept, so make sure to take advantage of the moment while it’s there! Negotiating offers is also crucial to the way your employer perceives you – make sure to stay calm, kind, and polite in all environments!

  • Extra Tip: Conduct market research before entering negotiations to understand the going rate of your role across the industry and at a variety of companies, general benefits that contribute to offer letters, education expectations, or other certificates that may result in higher compensation, etc. Providing validation and evidence to justify your negotiation is a phenomenal way to showcase that, not only did you take meaningful time to craft a proposal, but your expectations are validated by your industry at large.

Accepting the Offer

Finally, accept the job offer! Write an acceptance letter; if you correspond via email, you can also email your letter. Ensure that you express gratitude again and thank the company for the opportunity. Make sure to include verbiage stating that you accept the company’s offer (“I formally accept…”) and state the title of the role, salary, and benefits that you agreed on. Recapping the salary and benefits will help ensure there isn’t any confusion on either side and that there is a written trail of expectations. Lastly, include the date you expect to start!

Ready, set, …. accept!!

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Welcome back, everyone! Today, we wanted to chat through a 2 part series in which we’ll coach you through the process of accepting or declining a job offer. The reality is, that almost every one of us will incur the need to decline AND accept a variety of roles throughout our careers, so understanding how to do so with professional elegance is crucial to maintaining positive relationships. Keep reading below to find out how to do so!

Professionally Declining Job Offers:

Saying Thank You

The absolute most important component of correctly declining an offer is to express gratitude for the opportunity. Whether that is over the phone, through email, or in-person (if internal), take time to craft a personal thank you to the recruiters you’ve met and each interviewer will show that you took the offer seriously and maintained respect despite whichever outcome occurs. Make sure to send your thank you letter promptly (within 24 hours) of the offer in addition to your decision if you are already sure that this isn’t the right fit for you.

Providing Meaningful Reasoning

Remember, you’re not locked into any role that you apply to! More often than not, candidates apply to a variety of different roles, and sometimes even just to get a ‘pulse’ on their industry,  so you may realistically narrow down or succeed in being offered two or three different roles. Especially to our college grads, make sure to effectively explain the reasoning behind your final decision to the hiring manager to avoid your answer seeming like a baseless decision. Whether you’ve decided to stay in your original role, hope to instead relocate somewhere else, have an offer with higher compensation, etc., providing additional information is a great way to justify your decision. However, make sure to always be clear and concise! There is no need to go into too much depth about which opportunity you’ve decided to pursue and where you’ll be headed next.

Maintaining the Relationship

While this aspect of a job offer conversation takes place farther down the road, we encourage you to maintain relationships with both the recruiters that connected you to the role, the hiring manager, interviewers, or anyone that you felt especially connected with throughout the process. You never know when you may find yourself back on that job search, and upholding a chance of re-pursuing a prior role as a result of relationships you’ve worked to cultivate will prove a key to your success.

It is so important to understand that it’s completely acceptable to decline an opportunity! It is how you communicate that will solidify the “terms” you leave on the company, so follow these steps and we’re sure you’ll achieve a long-term connection and avoid burning any professional bridges!

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Welcome back, everyone! Today, we’re excited to hone in on a topic that often brings anxiety, procrastination, or dread…. that’s right, waking up in the morning! We all know the all-too-familiar feeling of ‘doom scrolling’ before bed and incidentally causing yourself to lose hours of sleep. This year, we’re here to put a stop to alarm snoozes and instead push ‘start’ on starting your day earlier and retaining more morning hours! If this is a concept you’ve EVER been interested in, we highly encourage you to follow along below to evaluate which new habits you can begin integrating into your lifestyle as soon as today.

Waking Up Early With These Strategies:

  • Set Yourself Up for Success: There are several factors that contribute to your morning wakeup outside of the actual moment that your alarm goes off. In order to dive into an early morning routine, it’s essential to set yourself up for success by taking measures the day before that will help assist your ability to get your day started. Some of our favorite ways to offload the ‘to-do’ morning tasks are: meal prepping for the week, making coffee or tea the night before, laying out supplements/medicine easily in reach on your counter, choosing your outfit for work the night before, packing your lunch or work tote/backpack the night before, etc.!
    • Extra Tip: If none of these resonate with you, we encourage you to write down a ‘typical’ morning routine and what it looks like. Once you have transcribed all of the steps you regularly take to start your day, evaluate which can be swapped into your nighttime routine, or executed weekly to offset a daily to-do item!
  • Allow Yourself Time to Wind Down at Night: Through the same message that we started off this blog, we encourage you to evaluate your nighttime routine as that will highly impact the ease through which you wake up the next day. Do you hop into bed and keep your phone near you? Do you watch TV until you fall asleep without allowing yourself a moment away from blue light? What if you tried reading before bed? Being intentional with your nighttime routine by affording yourself resources that will naturally help you fall asleep is a much stronger method to support an earlier wake-up call. If you’re also interested in evaluating a holistic approach to sleep wellness, we suggest you explore Magnesium supplements as a natural boost that contributes to restful sleep!
  • Make Changes Gradually: The first step is being realistic with yourself; there is no reasonable method to instantaneously shift your alarm from 8:00 AM to 5:00 AM, and creating that large of a change will undoubtedly feel impossible to uphold. For this reason, we encourage you to begin shifting back your wake-up call in smaller increments on a consistent basis. For example, can you try setting back the clock even 5 minutes early each day for a week? Doing so will result in 35 minutes saved in week one, 70 minutes (over an hour!) by week two, and so on. Making small changes and showing up for yourself by staying accountable to small, daily goals is the most reliable way to make a sustainable, long-term change.
  • Explore your Wake Up Call: If you dread your morning alarm (like most of us!), then the New Year is a perfect time to explore different options to help you rise in the morning with a sense of calmness and readiness to take on the day. Waking up because of an urgent alarm is guaranteed to cause an increase in cortisol at the beginning of your day which causes negative associations. Instead, explore methods like the Hatch System to mimic a natural wakeup from daylight instead of a blaring noise.

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Welcome to 2024, everyone!

What an exciting time of year; we hope that you each feel refreshed, were able to soak up a bit of time off between Christmas and the New Year, and are ready to tackle this week with a blank slate and a sense of motivation. Whether engaging in a New Year ‘challenge’ like dry January or 75-hard, or simply tackling the challenge of returning to work after a break, this article is for you! There is no better time of year than Q1 to begin drafting goals and idealizing what you hope for your year. If your career is on your mind, then keep reading below to find out how to achieve advancement in 2024!

Engage and Utilize Your Network:

There is no greater resource to help you in advancing your career than your own social and professional networks. After all, your network is made up of people who are there to support you and may very well provide you with the bridge to obtaining or discovering new opportunities. One of the greatest ways to utilize your network is by hosting or participating in a professional gathering; no matter where you’re located, almost all urban cities host professionals through organizations that are open to the public for a minimal fee. Joining charities, extracurricular clubs, or other community-oriented organizations in your city is also a phenomenal way to meet like-minded individuals. Make sure to stay involved with young professionals around you to continue reaching a network of people beyond the scope of your company, role, or industry.

New Skills:

Advancing any aspect of your life often requires extending your level of education and knowledge. In doing so, contemplate your contentment with your current level of intelligence about your general career path, work obligations, title, role, or even education in general. Have you ever thought about obtaining a new certificate or degree? Potentially taking a few new business courses just for fun? Today, there are more resources than ever before (many offered by LinkedIn and Amazon) to help expand your knowledge and reach beyond your role… so take advantage of courses and activities you can accomplish even from the comfort of your own home! And remember, when you’re ultimately up against another candidate for a promotion or new position, small distinguishers like these could very well contribute to a favorable final decision.

If you don’t feel that your schedule will allow for enough free time to dedicate to education advancement, try shifting/creating a reading goal centered around self-improvement, subscribing to a relevant podcast or newsletter, or even adding your email to an industry-focused newsletter. Utilizing these types of consistent resources will help you to engage with current events relating to your profession and industry so as to ensure you’re well prepared for any impromptu formal/informal interview or conversation with leadership.


Do you have a mentor? Someone you look up to guide decisions, and career choices, and offer general advice? If not, now is the perfect time to designate someone to fulfill this role (formally or informally)! In identifying this person, take time to evaluate people within your workplace and life who you look up to as a positive influence and source of growth. If you’re struggling to identify this person, try reaching out to people who inspire you in an even more casual setting! Conducting informational interviews, coffee dates, or lunch meet-ups will help you expand your network and also designate people who may end up acting as unexpected mentors in the future! Remember, all networking conversations are valuable, regardless of the immediate outcome. Investing in these conversations and creating lasting relationships across your industry will only help you as you advance into new roles, companies and positions.

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Happy New Year to our family, friends, and adored Esquire followers!

A few reflective thoughts to wrap up 2023…

While 2023 was layered with unforgettable memories, happiness, and equally difficult parts of the year, we hope you feel you’ve grown through it all. As we often encourage, this is a fabulous time of year to reflect, map out goals, clear out spaces, and rejuvenate in order to achieve a productive and refreshed January. However, don’t be too hard on yourself this weekend or in the following month; remember the importance of affording yourself breaks, grace, and time to adapt to new environments as well as lifestyles.

Many of you will embark on a ‘dry January’ or even a 75-hard challenge (never heard of it? Click here to find out more about the components of this diet/lifestyle and its benefits!), and many of us will center our days around redefined ‘resolutions’. Whatever the New Year will look like for you, we hope that it brings you a sense of fulfillment, contentment, and satisfaction. 

Even more of you will contemplate your professional identity in the New Year; is your current job a good fit? Are you on a trajectory toward a career you’re inspired by? Do you feel aligned with your company’s mission and vision? Do you feel you can grow in your current role? Are you challenged? Are you content with your ‘work from home’ vs. in-office balance? All of these questions will likely shape your desire to remain in your role or search for a new one; if you’re feeling inspired to embrace change in the new year, then make sure to check out our open jobs list!

And finally, we’ll leave you with the most important note of all. While scrolling on social platforms may lead you to believe that there is more ‘crazy’ and extreme thinking than there are neutral feelings about any and all social movements and political views, we encourage you to demonstrate kindness through it all. Even when it feels significantly more challenging to rise above aggression happening online, it’ll always pay off, in the long run, to maintain a positive online identity as you would in treating people face-to-face. At the end of the day, I believe that as humans we are all more similar than we are different; if we afford a chance to hear others, respect different opinions, and grow through adversity, we will rise together and be stronger for it. 

We are so proud of our Esquire candidates, our followers, and our growth this year! We cannot wait to meet more of you, continue connecting, and ensure that we find roles for YOU that will bring challenge, growth, and fulfillment… no matter the industry or position! Believe in yourselves and your potential in this New Year; your opportunities are endless!

Welcome back from the Holiday weekend, everyone!

We hope that those who celebrate had a lovely Christmas Eve and Day spent with family and friends. For those of you who simply relished in time off, we hope that it was well spent and brought both relaxation and rejuvenation. The truth is… many of you are actually off until the New Year! So, if you work in an industry that cools off between Christmas and the New Year, or have otherwise compiled your PTO to take a week for yourself, then this article is for YOU! Keep reading to find out our favorite ways to capitalize on PTO, downtime, and unplugging from the corporate world.

Capitalizing on End of Year PTO…

For our Chicago Followers

  1. Zoo Lights: Tickets to ZooLights are $7 nightly from Tuesday through Sunday. Explore one of the most iconic holiday spots in the city’s history at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Lincoln Park, Chicago. With a minimal payment, you’ll have access to the entire zoo light track in the park and can stroll for as long as you please. This is an awesome activity for those with young children, our post-grads looking for an inexpensive way to spend a night, or even a first date. Make sure to dress warm and indulge in some hot cocoa as you make your way through!
  2. Maggie Daley Park Ice Skating Ribbon: Another awesome activity for those with children, looking to spend an afternoon with friends, or navigating a large group; Maggie Daley Park offers a low-cost walk-up fee to enjoy skating. We recommend doing so on a sunny day and with some friends… it’s a blast! Especially for those of you who live on the North side of Chicago, the park is an awesome way to make a trip downtown and enjoy the holiday lights and high rises that surround it.
  3. Walk along Michigan Avenue: A free activity! Michigan Avenue is home to dozens of beautiful shopping stores, holiday lights, Christmas Trees, and the infamous Starbucks Reserve. Make sure to take a trip down and spend an afternoon walking along the streets of ‘Streeterville’ to enjoy all it has to offer. Not only is Michigan Ave. a great place to shop, but it also offers an enormous variety of delicious lunch and drink stops along the way.
  4. Christkindl Market: Finally, another iconic staple of Chicago’s holiday season is the Christkindl Market. With a relatively new location in Wrigleyville and a historic site in the Loop, Chicago’s own Christmas market displays several trinket shops, drinks, and German treats. We highly encourage you to find a time to stop by this market… you’re sure to feel like you’ve been transported to Europe!

Relaxing During Time Off

  1. Gather for a Christmas Movie: It’s all too easy to fall into the comfort of isolation during time off. If this sounds like you, and if you find yourself sneaky off into the comfort of your bedroom, we encourage you to challenge yourself and coordinate a family activity. If taking advantage of being ‘lazy’ is a key component of your PTO, then watching a Christmas movie is a great place to start. Almost every streaming platform offers a plethora of old and classic Christmas movies that can round up any family and guarantee smiles and laughs. Especially for younger siblings who haven’t yet been introduced, the holiday season is a perfect time to round out some classics.
  2. Engage in Home Games: Once your movie binge is complete, try out a new family game! My personal favorites include “Blank Slate”, “Rummikub”, or a card game! These are low-cost, and often low-effort activities that still force those younger siblings off their phones and facilitate quality time as a group. If you’re scrambling to find a new activity, take a quick scan on any website (including Amazon) and you’ll be guaranteed to tap into a whole new slew of games that debuted this year.
  3. Take a Walk Outside or Sit by the Fireplace: If you have extra downtime on your hands this week, coordinate a firewood delivery and relish in the pleasure of a real fire! How often are you afforded a chance to wind down in front of a real, wood-burning fire? And better yet, how often do you have the time to maintain it and keep that flame burning? This week is a perfect time to capitalize on colder weather, cozy dark nights, and a cozy fireplace.
  4. Make your own Hot Cocoa Bar: Keeping children and siblings in mind, a sweet treat is a guaranteed ‘win’ to gather the family around a shared interest! A simple run to any local grocery store is guaranteed to help you track down sprinkles, whipped cream, milk, heavy cream, MnMs, and any other makings of a perfect cup of hot cocoa. This is a fun, low-energy, and low-stakes activity to bring smiles to your home.
  5. Try out a New recipe, Puzzle, or Craft: Especially in the midst of free time, engaging in otherwise tedious tasks is a great way to keep your mind moving and your brain at peak speed for the New Year. Tackling a new recipe and skill in the kitchen, diving into a puzzle that’s been collecting dust in a closet corner, or taking on a new art project that you’ve been dreaming of for months is a fabulous way to round out the year with a memory Sur to never be forgotten! Even better, each of these activities can incorporate multiple participants for varying lengths of time.

We hope you’re all enjoying this special time of year together and soaking up every moment of rejuvenation for the New Year!

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Welcome back everyone and an early Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! We hope that you are enjoying rest, relaxation, and quality time with family and friends all around you. Today, we felt inclined to re-center around one of our favorite concepts and another annual note (there are quite a few this time of year!). Keep reading below to hone in on the positivity that YOU can bring into the New Year…

Exude Positivity and Light in 2024!

  • Building Connections Online and In-Person: It is phenomenal to acknowledge the ways in which our U.S. workforce has come together under the idea of embracing technology to not only maintain, but also build connections with one another; whether an interview, training session, recurring meeting, or end of year review, we’ve found ways to band together through screens and in person too. Many of us felt the ‘return to normal’ that 2023 brought; companies are back in person at full force, and many employees are hanging up their pajamas for suits as they return to regular work days and routines. However, with this also came a new wave of companies embracing a plethora of different opportunities for employees to have flexibility surrounding their own schedules and days in-office. Never before have candidates and employees had such autonomy over their daily roles and lives – so take advantage of the format that works best for you! And if your current role doesn’t feel like the right fit on a daily basis, the New Year is a PERFECT time to re-center around career goals and begin applying for a new position.
  • Saved Commute: Working from home periodically, in a hybrid format, or fully remotely has allowed professionals of all industries the reprieve of extra sleep, relaxation, and the comfort of their own homes. So, although it may be easy to become fatigued by the repetition and environment of your home, it allows you to skip a lengthy commute and pack in a few chores or errands along the way. If your current ‘WFH’ environment feels stale, then the New Year is also a perfect time to revamp or reorganize your space to gain a fresh feeling and sense of motivation; we highly encourage you to evaluate your space on a consistent basis to ensure that you’re comfortable and well-suited for peak performance at home in the same way as you are in your office setting.
  • Gratitude and Mindfulness: As we adapt to an ever-changing world dynamic and different challenges that face our society on a daily basis, it has never been more evident that practicing gratitude and mindfulness are essential components of strong mental health and fulfillment. We have been tasked with some of the greatest challenges of our lives, but reminded of the value of those we love, the comfort of our homes, our own health and safety, and the hopeful health and safety of those around us!
    • Extra Tip: Although it may sound cliche, the New Year is a notorious opportunity for you to re-evaluate your personal health and identify any opportunities to dive into fitness. Let 2024 be your year to maximize your personal fitness, mental health, nutritional intake, career trajectory, and more!
  • Maintaining Positivity: Above all, staying positive has proven key to the course of our years! While it may feel easy to get knocked down by the struggles our world faces on a daily basis,… remaining calm and grateful for those aspects of life that provide you fulfillment and happiness will prove the key to pushing forward to the future.
    • Extra Tip: Always take time for yourself! Whether this means scheduling in blocks during your workday, carving out solo activities during the weekend, or otherwise practicing ‘self-care’, doing so is an amazing strategy to clear your mind and maintain a positive outlook.

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Welcome back everyone and happy second to LAST work week of 2023! I can’t believe that another year has sped by us and how much we were able to accomplish as a team. As the year wraps and the Holiday season continues to speed toward Christmas time off, we thought it would be a perfect time to remind you to thank your clients this week! If you have not already engaged with this type of gratitude practice, which is essential to sustainable success, keep reading here…

Thanking Your Clients in a Meaningful Way

  • Prepare as Far in Advance as Possible: Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, or any other holiday, make sure to plan out your approach in advance! Don’t cut it too close to Christmas day or do anything to jeopardize the delivery of a letter, note, gift, or anything that travels by mail. Sending thanks early is also important as it will allow you to get ahead of and potentially avoid windows during which many employees or the company are on holiday leave or PTO. Be sure to think about your industry and when reaching out will be most meaningful to each client!
  • Cover all of Your Bases: We strongly encourage that you take a ‘one size fits all’ approach to gifting. Whether you have legal or HR considerations and limitations on what you can gift to external clients, or generally have different relationships across partners, it’s important to avoid playing favorites or showcasing disproportionate appreciation. Before sending out your thanks or gifts, make sure to run through the variety of projects, partnerships, deals, and other interactions you’ve played a part in throughout the year to ensure you’ve accounted for everyone!
    • Extra Gift Ideas: Flowers, chocolates, custom cups, company ‘merch’, hand-written notes, soap or lotion for the office, a succulent, anything to do with coffee and caffeinating in the AM, or any other useful resource for an in-office setting.
  • Be Personal! When able, we strongly encourage you to try and be as personal as possible in your gifting process. If you have a long-lasting relationship with a client, know that they enjoy certain trinkets or gifts, have mentioned interests in your conversations, or have otherwise alluded to things that bring them happiness… provide it! It sounds obvious, but taking small notes throughout the year during conversations to track certain ideas that will help you gift in the holiday season is a great way to get ahead of planning and provide yourself with ease when the time to gift comes.
    • Extra Tip: If your gift feels unoriginal or ‘basic’, don’t worry! Compensating with a blanket gift approach by handwriting thank you notes and holiday cards where applicable is a fantastic way to differentiate your gift from other clients and showcase appreciation.
  • Maintain Relationships: Above all, ensure that gifting season isn’t the only time you reach out to clients. Check-in regularly, schedule ‘catch up’ connects/coffee chats, join company intramural leagues, participate in corporate events or professional organizations, and invest in your professional relationships continuously!

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Happy Friday, everyone! In the midst of the busy season during the holidays, we wanted to acknowledge and regroup on ways to ensure that you instill a work-life balance among your employees. If you are an employee at a company, this article is also for you as it’s equally important to advocate for your own balance in order to avoid burnout! Keep reading below to find out our top strategies for elongating employee well-being throughout the entire year, despite seasonality in work-flow.

Securing a Healthy Well-being Among Employees

Acknowledge Burn-out

Let’s be real here, we have all experienced feelings of fatigue and burn-out when it comes to our roles! Employees across all industries have succumbed to so much repetition that it can, at times, feel like every day is the same. To mitigate this, we recommend leading with time to recharge. As a leader, it is important to acknowledge that you are the one who sets the atmosphere and expectations for your team. Leaving space (whether this is an hour each day, a time block each week, or even a quarterly ‘wellness PTO day’) for self-care, growth, personal development, reflection, etc. is a great way to remind employees to put themselves first at a regular cadence. Doing so will also demonstrate the value you see in their motivation and ability to maintain a sense of direction and avoid repetition. Especially during busy seasons and the holiday times, if you know a certain team’s schedule is overflowing with events and client experiences, acknowledge the need to reset and recharge. Can you shift a day next week to work from home instead of in the office? Can you afford your team an hour late start to catch up on sleep? No matter how ‘big or small’ the relief is, when an employee knows that their leaders have their back and are invested in their well-being, their longevity at a company is immediately increased.

Remind Employees that they have PTO for a Reason!

PTO is a privilege that should be put on the same priority list as our compensation. Remember, it’s a benefits package for a reason… and make sure to always remind your team to USE their benefits and take a day off for themselves! By utilizing well-earned and well-deserved PTO, employees are guaranteed an opportunity to rejuvenate and ability to avoid the feeling of falling into a stale routine. Also, make sure that you are cascading down the importance of PTO from the top! Think about it like this: if the C-suite, managers, or leaders at a company never take PTO or acknowledge its existence, employees will likely feel unable to engage in the benefit for the sake of matching the expectations of their leaders. It is equally important to showcase your ability to unplug, as well as instill a workflow that can continue in your absence, to allow for PTO and breaks from work.

Create a Space Safe for Honesty

Your employees, and especially your direct reports, should feel comfortable discussing their bandwidth and capacity with you. After all, you’re there to lead, and they are there to learn and follow! So, ensure that you create regular check-ins and set aside time for employees and teammates to discuss their well-being, mental health, motivation levels, and more. Especially as the New Year quickly approaches, it’s never been a better time than now to schedule a recurring coaching meeting for these types of conversations. In the same vein as above, it is crucial to remember that although you may be an approachable and caring manager, employees can often feel intimidated or nervous to share their capacity, burn out, or feelings of being overwhelmed for fear of not meeting performance expectations. Setting the expectation of open communication and growth through honesty is sure to prove more sustainable for long-term employee well-being.

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Welcome back to another holiday week, everyone! We hope that you are enjoying this special time of year, taking advantage of activities hosted by your city, and celebrating with those you love. We wish our followers a Happy Hanukkah and hope that it brings a wonderful set of 8 special nights to those who celebrate too!

Today, we thought it would be the perfect time to reset on an important topic, specifically relating to this time of year: management positions. Are you pining after a promotion? Are you anticipating a role transition into leadership? Are you taking on a direct report for the first time? If the answer to any of the above is ‘yes’, then this is a perfect post for you! Keep reading to find out how to best embrace a new management position and ensure you step into the role with ease.

How to Become a Qualified Manager


Ultimately, and technically, training is the most important tool to utilize to transform into a prepared, and impactful manager. Not only are training courses hosted at many companies, but online resources are also endless! Check out online platforms like LinkedIn, read up on trusted sources like Forbes, and invest some time into management-focused books written by some of the most influential leaders in the corporate world. The truth is, many people have walked in your shoes and have experiences to share to both learn from and steer clear of. We recommend focusing on a few topics to narrow down the elements and skills you wish to elevate and start there. By focusing on 2 to 3 skills quarterly, biannually, or even annually, you’ll be sure to set differentiate yourself through personal strengths and connect better with your team. Not sure where to get started? Dive into Indeed’s article to learn about 5 essential management skills (plus how to develop them)!

  • Extra Tip: Make sure to define these expectations during your interview process! Even if you’re stepping into a management role internally, and especially if it’s your first management role, it’s crucial to ensure that your company is also ready to invest in you. By transcribing the key elements/skills that will shape your new role, as well as the tools to help you achieve them, you’re sure to be on your way to success. Additionally, make sure to discuss ways to distinguish time in your schedule for personal development so that you have space to invest in yourself through these training opportunities as well.


While it may feel obvious, stepping into a new role is also largely about attitude. It is more likely than not that you’ve stepped into a new space that is slightly above your current skill set, and that’s the reason you were chosen! Remember that your leaders saw something in you for a reason and believe in your ability to embrace this new space. However, it’s equally important to acknowledge what you do not yet know about your role and create an honest space with your team. Maintaining an open line of communication with your team and allowing for constant streams of feedback is a largely valuable way to ensure team morale remains consistent, positive, and supportive. If you’re not sure how to create an open line of organic communication, then we encourage you to create weekly, monthly, or regular meetings to listen to your team, ask about ways to improve workflow, ensure satisfaction is being met, and define goals/team expectations.

Invest in Your Reports!

In the same way as the above, invest in your team with intention. Ensure that there are regular check-ins where you can coach your direct reports about their goals, invest in what they want to elevate in terms of skills, and help create a pathway for their success. Maintaining awareness that you’re single-handedly responsible for another employee’s performance at the end of the day will help you make sure that you’re self-aware in the time you invest in others as well as organized in your coaching. And if coaching is something that brings you a feeling of nervousness or even imposter syndrome, fear not! There are numerous online, in-person, and even asynchronous programs intended solely to help others learn to become a mentor, coach, and guiding voice in someone else’s career. We highly encourage, above all else, that you invest in these types of resources to ensure you transform into a manager that others are inspired by, motivated through, and can rely on.

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Welcome back, everyone, and happy (almost) weekend! As December is quickly passing by, we thought this would be the perfect time to recenter around end-of-year compensation discussions. Keep reading below to find out what employees should typically expect about merit increases, bonus incentives, and general salary discussions that will take place over the next few weeks!

End-of-Year Merit Increase

Merit increases are an employer favorite as they are defined by Forbes as a “financial incentive you give your employees based on performance. It’s designed to recognize their hard work and motivate them. As long as you implement it properly, a merit increase may also increase productivity and retain employees.” A win-win for both the employer and employee, merit increases are centered around individual performance and are a great way to differentiate yourself from the rest of the team and draw attention toward the way you’ve exceeded personal goals. For this reason, we highly encourage you to keep track of little and large wins throughout the year. Whether you use an online app like ‘One Note’ or a piece of paper, ensuring that you remember all of the accomplishments you’ve achieved will prove an incredibly useful tool in advocating for why you deserve a merit increase!

Bonus Incentives

Another key component of many offer letters and roles is their bonus incentive; it’s more likely than not that a bonus is tied to your overall compensation package. What does this mean? Likely that, at the end of the year, and depending on company performance (and potentially a mix of personal and company!), you’ll be awarded a bonus on top of your salary. Bonus percentages have incredibly different ranges depending on the industry, so it’s important to keep up to date with your industry trends, salary, and bonus trackers, and ensure you’re properly compensated based on your title and job function.

General Salary Discussions

  • Educate Yourself on Company Policies: Above all, we are firm believers in engaging in any type of preparation before meeting with leadership. Whether this is a weekly touch base or an annual compensation discussion, entering into the conversation with a clear understanding of what to expect is the best way to come across as knowledgeable, responsible, and accountable.  You can often access this type of information in your offer letter, goal setting, on an HR portal, or otherwise noted on your internal company page. Anticipate engaging in approximately 30 minutes of investigation, and jotting down any notes about metrics to take into the conversation (ex: target bonus rate, average compensation increase, company performance percentage annual earnings, etc.).
  • Express Gratitude: Additionally, no matter what happens, showing grace in the conversation by thanking your manager and any additional leadership is a key strategy for composing yourself and creating a positive atmosphere for years to come. After all, your manager wants the best for you, and any feedback is given so that you can achieve your greatest potential! If you didn’t attain the bonus or merit increase that you had hoped for, this is a great time to hone in on and clarify the critique you’ve received to incorporate it into your growth for next year.
  • Ask Questions and Gain Clarity! On that note, ask questions! You should leave compensation discussions feeling well-informed about current performance, how to grow over the next year, and how to track metrics that tie into bonus or merit increases.

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Welcome back, everyone! As of this Monday, we are fully immersed in our first full work week in December; as many of you have already felt, December is often lined with corporate events and expectations of attendance. Whether this looks like client entertainment, professional organization events, or an internal company party, the holidays bring the time to celebrate this year’s performance! If you are attending any one of these types of events over the next few weeks, this article is for you. Keep reading here to re-engage with our annual reminder of how to approach drinking and meet behavior expectations at all corporate parties. Doing so will not only ensure that you avoid ‘work scaries’, but will immensely elongate and strengthen your corporate reputation.

Behavior in Work ‘Drinking’ or Party Settings:

The main focus of the below is guidance surrounding drinking behaviors in work environments. You may not be sitting in the office, but remember that you are still surrounded by coworkers and leadership, and should behave as if you were in a corporate setting. The key to these types of events is engaging with your limitations while still having fun! So, identify your balance below and ensure that you won’t have to ever wake up with ‘scaries’ about the night before.

  • Mandatory? The begging question is, are these events mandatory?! The short answer is yes, and the long answer is no. Realistically, you cannot be forced to attend an event that occurs outside of your work obligations and hours. However, when able, you should always prioritize engagement and participation in celebratory events. These are special times, outside of work hours, when you are afforded the opportunity to get to know teammates, management, and external clients on a personal level and establish longevity in meaningful friendships. So, when able, always try to go! And if something comes up, always make sure to inform management ahead of time to set expectations and create reliability.
  • Typical Duration/Length: You can expect to spend, on average, approximately 2-3 hours at work happy hours or after-hours corporate events. It takes at least 30 minutes to get situated in a new space, especially if you are leaving the office and venturing into a new environment. The next hour and so after is often unstructured and casual. So, if you’re engaging with a teammate or enjoying yourself, stay for longer! If you have plans after, are tired, or are struggling to maintain your social battery, make sure to stay for an appropriate amount of time, and then understand that you can leave. After all, you are dedicating additional hours to ‘work’ even if it doesn’t feel like it, and leadership understands that everyone has personal obligations to get back to afterward.
  • Pairing Drinks with Food and Water! We’re all adults here, but it’s always worth reminding each of you that mixing a cocktail with an app and a glass of water is key to offsetting the effects of alcohol. You never want to find yourself in a situation where you are overly intoxicated around work or professional peers, so balancing alcohol is crucial to your engagement and self-awareness at happy hours and events. If there isn’t going to be food at the event, make sure to pack a snack or eat a larger lunch. Additionally, while there is almost always water wherever you’ll be, packing an extra bottle never hurts! A 1:1 ratio of a drink and either a snack or glass of water is a great way to create balance and hold yourself accountable.
  • Steer Clear of Shots! On the same note, we highly encourage you to steer clear of shots and even ‘hard liquor’ when able. These types of drinks will undoubtedly have a more rapid and intense effect on your awareness and alcohol levels, so be super mindful of ingesting these types of drinks as well as the effect they have on you specifically. When able, we suggest you opt for a ‘Welcome’ glass of champagne or stick to wine/beer throughout the night instead. Especially as events span several hours, the comfort of holding a lighter drink in hand while sustaining an appropriate level of intoxication is easier to accomplish without hard alcohol in hand.
  • Positive Chat Only! Finally, we know that ‘loose’ feeling that comes with a few drinks. However, we encourage you to avoid ANY gossiping with coworkers, friends in the industry, and especially management! Remember that you are held to what you say and how you behave in and outside of the office, so ensuring that there are only ever positive things that people have to say about you will pay off in the long run as it relates to your professional reputation. So, even if you are pulled for a chat and to share the ‘tea’, zip those lips!

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Welcome back and Happy Friday everyone!

We hope that you are having a great week and diving into all that the holiday season can offer in both personal and corporate settings. As I attended a professional society’s Midwest holiday party last night, I thought it’d be the perfect time to dive into WHY it’s so important to capitalize on networking resources. Especially for those of you living in relatively larger urban cities and surrounded by working professionals, this article is for you. Keep reading here to find out how to network with success…

Capitalizing on Networking Resources

Joining Professional Societies

First and foremost, we highly encourage you to dive into your professional community outside of your internal team. Almost any urban city hosts a variety of professional, volunteer-based, or community-driven societies and organizations that you can participate in at your desired cadence! Joining an organization does not need to look like a weekly commitment, and can even be as infrequent as attending events on a quarterly basis. However, keeping up to date with the pulse of your industry, connecting with other professionals in similar positions, and building a reliable network is undoubtedly the key to long-term professional success. So, use a few minutes today to conduct a Google Search on the resources near you and sign up for an upcoming event in your community!

  • Preparation and Purpose: Before you walk into a networking event, it’s crucial to conduct a quick search on the people you’re going to be around. Have you conducted recent business with anyone in attendance? Are you about to close or submit a new deal? Even if a project fell through with a client, maintaining a sharp memory of the way you’ve professionally encountered others and utilizing that as a conversation starter is a great way to show you’re prepared. Make sure to ask people how they are, follow up on specific projects or personal attributes you previously learned, and even touch on anecdotes that you share where applicable!
    • For example: Did you go to a sporting event this summer with a client? Did you pick up on their love of a certain team? Player? Following up on the team or individual’s performance is a great way to express that you care and invest in the longevity of the professional relationship.
  • Ask Specific Questions: As it relates to our point above, try to avoid ’empty questions’ about someone’s role/career like, “How’d you get here?” or “So, what do you do?” If you’ve initiated a conversation with someone else, it is likely to learn more about their role or company.
    • For example: If you’re speaking to someone on the public relations side of a business, focus questions around, “How have you handled your company’s relationship with X topic/company/etc.? How much of your time do you spend avoiding negative PR vs creating positive PR?” Always make the person you’re speaking to feel valued!
  • Maintain the Relationship: Attending professional networking events may be infrequent or even bi-annually, but communication should not be. Make sure to maintain the relationships that you’ve worked to cultivate! Whether this means a weekly check-in, email update of your recent accomplishments, or quick link to a relevant article, make sure to keep consistent contact and follow-up after your thank you note!
    • Extra Tip: Especially in instances where the people you networked with could assist in a future job opportunity or interview process, remember the value in creating personal relationships that span beyond the scope of day-to-day work and tasks. Showing your desire to keep up to date will undoubtedly assist you in building a support network to vouch for you as it relates to any role.

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Welcome back from a long holiday week and weekend! For most of us, Thanksgiving brought PTO over last Thursday and Friday, and a much-needed opportunity to rejuvenate and replenish enough energy to blast through the last few weeks of the year. We hope that you’re feeling a renewed sense of motivation and productivity that you’re ready to use to dive back into this work week. However, we also anticipate that most of us (like myself!) are coming back to an expansive to-do list and inbox that’s bursting at the seams.

So, how do you catch up over this week without driving yourself crazy?! Keep reading to find out everything you need to know!

Organizing Your Catch-Up Strategy

  • Morning Routine: The reason why many of us feel that we’ve fallen off track after a longer break is because we lose our routine, leaving too much time for blank space or relaxation. For that reason, your Monday alarm clock may ring and cause more exhaustion than you’re used to, and that’s okay! However, we encourage you to create a routine for each morning of this week so that you can start the day feeling that you’ve checked off a few boxes and are on track to meeting your goals; remember, routines and schedules are a fantastic measure of holding yourself accountable for your responsibilities! If you’re not sure where to get started, think about your breakfast, the time you wake up, activities you can engage in before the work day starts (like meditation or exercise), drinking water, lighting a candle, updating a calendar near your office space, or otherwise setting yourself up to engage in with your work day.
  • Early Wake-Ups: Building off of our above point, we know how easy it is to fall into early morning dread; after all, sometimes a 7:00 AM alarm clock feels like the middle of the night! However, in a week or so (usually a period equivalent to your break) following a holiday, it is immensely valuable to regain an hour of the day that you may regularly use for sleep. You’ll be surprised at your body’s ability to adapt to a lower quantity of sleep over temporary periods; this could be an especially great resource for catching up.
    • Extra Tip: Remember always to factor in at least 7 hours of sleep to be able to maintain an attentive level of energy; and if that sounds like too much, think about opportunities where you can start your night routine or go to bed earlier to make up for ‘lost’ morning time.
  • Try Out a New Atmosphere: Just as it is easy to fall out of routine when you return home, it is just as easy to become too comfortable in a setting over time. Whether this is a coffee shop, bedroom, library or classroom, study space, or even your ‘work from home’ desk, we become less focused and more comfortable in a repetitive space. For that reason, we encourage you to at least try out one new space post-break to test your productivity. Sometimes all it takes is a new atmosphere to stimulate work and motivation!
  • Maintain Open Communication: With your teammates, management, and overall leadership. If you are behind on a due date, falling on a project timeline, or on track to deliver materials to someone else (that’s depending on you!) at a later date than anticipated, it’s crucial to confront those conversations ASAP. Setting expectations and an open line of communication is your key to success and being a valued, honest teammate.
    • Extra Tip: Prioritize your inbox! Think about folders you can create over this next week to distinguish high-priority items from less time-sensitive tasks. Instead of attacking your emails from top to bottom, this new approach will help you keep track of projects, deals, deliverables, or other materials that teammates and leadership are waiting for. Afford yourself the flexibility of handling less important tasks throughout the week instead of trying to compile all of the built-up work into your first day back.
  • Afford Yourself Grace: One last tip that might sound obvious but is crucial to sustaining energy and catching up is ensuring that you are easy on yourself! There is no reason to ever regret the time you spent with loved ones or the extra sleep you caught. It was deserved and it was enjoyable! Allow yourself breaks throughout the day to recenter your mind and elongate productivity; if stepping away from your computer for lunch or a quick walk sounds unattainable, we highly suggest that you schedule break time on your calendar as you would any other meeting.

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Welcome back and Happy Early Thanksgiving, everyone! We can’t believe that yet another year has passed us by, and we wanted to ensure that we share our annual reminder with you to show the value of being actively grateful and a variety of ways to show it. Keep reading to find out how to show your loved ones that you care this week and throughout the entire holiday season!

Let’s…Show Gratitude!

  • Remind Someone That You Care! There’s no greater way to express gratitude than by telling someone, in person, that you appreciate all that they do for you. In the midst of the digital age, it’s easy to thank people through emails, text, or even phone calls, but one of our most valued ways to express gratitude is in person.
  • Suprise a Coworker with Coffee: It is far too often that we forget the importance of those that surround us each day. And where do we spend most of our time? That’s right! Work. Make a coworker’s day by simply surprising them with a cup of coffee, grabbing an extra breakfast treat, bringing in donuts for the team, or otherwise providing a ‘surprise and delight when no one is expecting it.
  • Instead of Spring Clean… Fall Clean and Donate: As Midwesterners, we know the severity that comes with the coldest holiday months. Take a day to clean through your closet, and donate anything you haven’t worn in the past year! It’s so easy to overlook our surplus of clothing in our closet, and especially the items tucked away in corners that are left forgotten. This week, we encourage you to evaluate what you really need, and what you’re hanging onto that may no longer be providing value. Whether this means collecting no longer worn clothing and donating to a local charity or even handing out a jacket to someone you pass by in need, your impact could change and even save a life.
  • Pay for the Person Behind You: The next time you find yourself at a coffee or sandwich shop, double your bill for the person behind you. With such a surprise and an act of kindness, you are guaranteed to make that person’s day and even motivate them to pass on the sharing spirit!
  • Clear Your Schedule for Someone Special: This may be a parent, spouse, child, close friend, or even a mentor. Regardless of the relationship, find a day to completely clear your schedule on someone else’s behalf. Bring them their favorite food, dessert, or movie, plan a fun night in or out, or even take them to a festive spot in town. Whatever it may be, there is no better way to express gratitude than to show someone that they’re your priority through quality time.
  • Volunteer: There are an endless number of ways to volunteer in every community, no matter where you live or who you are. Find a local food pantry, toy-wrapping event, charity, or any other volunteer opportunity that piques your interest. In the next month, dedicate a day or afternoon’s worth of time to spend giving back to those in need.
  • Leave an Extra Tip: Especially in places where the bill doesn’t run too high, leave a tip higher than you regularly would! We can guarantee you that your extra note of gratitude will go far.
  • Give Someone an Extra Compliment: About their work, their personality, their appearance, or anything you admire!
  • Schedule a Day for You! Self-indulge
  • Buy Someone Flowers or Chocolates

Offer Help!

Finally, and especially for those college and post-grad students returning home for a hearty Thanksgiving meal, offer your help! Whether this is to your parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or whoever is preparing for the big day, offering to provide help so that they aren’t doing the heavy lifting alone is the perfect way to display that you’re grateful for their hard work. No matter if you had a cozy night in or spent tonight downtown, get yourself up and out of bed tomorrow morning so that you can fully participate and contribute to the Thanksgiving celebration.

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Welcome back, everyone! We hope that you had a great, productive week. Today, we wanted to shed some light on an integral lesson relating to brand social presence. Almost every single brand in the world is integrated into social media; whether LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, TikTok, or all of the above, connecting and building a social following is key to brand longevity, recognition, and success. So, how can you better connect with your online following? How do you make followers feel valued? How do you create a brand perception founded in reliability, trust, and sustainability? Find out everything you need to know below!

Building a Connected Following

Know Your Audience

Above all, know your target market and brand audience! Depending on each platform (between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.), your brand message will reach different demographics and consumers with a variety of purchasing intent. Take Pinterest for example, would that work for our brand? Would a client or candidate likely seek a “Pin” in order to identify a new job opportunity? We’ll let you brainstorm about that question while we leave you with one last tip about this idea: before hopping onto any social channel, directly and effectively assess your audience, your product, and the intent you hope to achieve (whether purchasing a good, creating a relationship, offering a service, increasing follower conversation,…).

  • Extra Note: Almost every online social platform is available for free! Differentiating your advertisements by investing in a variety of ‘boosted’ content opportunities is a great way to expand your audience reach exponentially. So, we also encourage you to identify your social media budget and advertising spend before engaging in content creation so as to hold yourself accountable and understand a realistic view of performance and reach.


In order to paint a reliable image and provide value to your consumers, always be consistent in branding. Not only do we mean in the message you send, and the type of content you provide, but we also encourage you to post at similar frequencies each, day, week, or month. This way, you will start you create a relationship with your consumers where they will know what to expect, when, and in what form to best access your brand and its products or services. Consistently posting content (at least once or twice a week!) is the best way to optimize your reach and build a consistent following from the ground up.

  • Extra Tip: We have a TON of previous articles available on our website that will provide you with a suite of different ways to manage your time and create a schedule. So, find the best strategy that works for you, and make sure to set aside time solely dedicated to social media and branding activities so that you can dedicate your full attention and effort. You can also ‘batch’ out content so as to mitigate the need to revisit posts throughout the week and instead just have a bunch ready to click ‘post’ on when the time is right!

Integrating Consumer in Brand Voice

Millennials and Gen Z are rapidly obtaining the largest portion of buying power from our US consumers, and as these individuals are more than not “digital natives”, they possess a different set of brand expectations as they seek products. In order to make this highly impactful population feel valued, it is crucial to loop them into your brand message and intent. Ask what your followers want to see! What they’re looking to purchase! How you can better deliver on their wants and needs! However you have the resources to discuss your brand with these consumers and offer them a voice and role in your company (from an external perspective), we encourage you to do so.

  • Extra Tip: Be vocal with your consumers! It would be unreasonable to expect a brand to not evolve and adapt to changing consumer needs and environments. If you’re undergoing a branding update (either in color, logo, mission, vision, product offering, etc.), make sure to loop your followers into the conversation and set expectations. Creating an open stream of communication is a great way to prepare followers for change while ensuring they feel like a valued part of the future vision of your brand.

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Another weekend closer to Thanksgiving! If you have your eyes set on the prize as we do, then you are getting more and more about the holiday season coming closer on the horizon with each new day. With the holidays comes time with family, friends, and loved ones, and a natural sense of reflection on the year. While there is no doubt that the last month brought fear, stress, and discomfort to many, we want to remain a shining light on your outlook. So, how can you enter the holiday season, the new Winter season, and any new season of life by manifesting goals and outcomes? Find out here!

Manifesting your New Season

As described by Gabby Bernstein, manifesting is defined as, “cultivating the experience of what it is that you want to feel — and then living and believing in that experience so that you can allow it to come into form. You can practice manifesting to attract whatever you want, whether that’s a successful business, better health, a relationship, or even a material object.” While the abstract idea of manifestation can be one that’s hard to grasp, we encourage you to tune in and push outside of your comfort zone by engaging with one of the below manifestation strategies.

  • Verbal Affirmation: The most common method of manifesting your goals and hopes for the future is by speaking them into the Universe! There are many famous manifestations quotes that millions of people use to affirm their days on a daily basis, so we encourage you to identify a frequency that best fits your schedule. Repeat your mantras and one day you’ll be surprised by how naturally they come to you and are embedded into positive thinking and your daily perspective.
  • Transcribe: If the idea of repeating a phrase into the mirror to essentially speak to yourself sounds funny, then writing down manifestations is a perfect strategy for you! And, make it fun! Treat yourself to a trendy journal, a notepad, or a physical place for writing that will promote the behavior and make it an activity to look forward to.
    • Extra Tip from Gabby Bernstein’s blog: Think about, “What is it that you want? Become unapologetic about what you want. Own it. Believe it. Trust that it can be yours. Write it down right now. I want to be seen in the world in this way. I want to attract my romantic partner. I want to attract more abundance into my life…Manifesting isn’t about having complete control or satisfying all our short-term desires. True manifesting isn’t even about getting what we think we want. It’s about receiving what is of the highest good for all.”
  • Mood Boards: Another topic we’ve referenced is creating mood boards! If you are more of a visual learner or find yourself inspired by imagery, then creating a visual board of your goals is an amazing creative outlet. Grab your favorite magazine, scroll through Pinterest, or even draw your own images! Not only will engaging in this activity stimulate motivation and excitement by welcoming new ideas into your life, but will also help ignite your creative side in a way not directly correlated to your work. However, remember that just because you don’t reach an outcome identical to your ‘vision’ doesn’t mean it isn’t the best-suited next step for you! Mood boards are a great source of inspiration, but our journey may flourish and transform in ways that we cannot even anticipate, so maintain an open mind and heart.

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Welcome back everyone, and to those whose companies are celebrating Veteran’s Day with a day off today, we hope you’re diving into a wonderful long weekend! As you kick back, relax and ‘unplug’, there’s no better time than now to reflect on your soft skills as an employee. If you’re not sure what soft skills are, you’re in the right place! Keep reading to learn about this integral part of your corporate identity and why soft skills are often the catalyst toward promotions and overall success. If you’re worried about recognizing your own soft skills, have no fear! There are plenty of online and in-person resources at your fingertips to dive in and start self-assessing. Let’s get started!

Self-Assessing and Defining Soft Skills

What are Soft Skills?

Soft skills won’t look technical, like for example, having proficiency working in Excel or the Microsoft Office suite. However, your ability to network, advocate in interviews, communicate across all role levels, manage your time, display confidence, empathize with coworkers, actively listen, and contribute to meetings, and the intangible assets you bring to the table are those that will define your soft skill competencies. These skills are heavily valued by recruiters, employers, and managers as they make up the, sometimes unmeasurable, aspects of employees who become distinguishably successful in organizations.

Another key attribute of soft skills is the way that they will impact any transition into a higher role (like going from individual contributor to manager), shifting into a new space (like going from Marketing to Operations), or meeting and onboarding teammates. Soft skills, not narrowly linked to a software platform or output, are those that can transfer into multiple areas. Take it this way… can you think of any corporate role that doesn’t include meeting invites and expectations to participate in group settings? Well, having strong communication, collaboration, and teamwork skills will integrate into success in any team setting!

Extra Tip: Especially as you phase college, volunteer, and other experiences out of your resume due to relevancy, make sure to always include a section for soft corporate skills! These will likely be the bridge that separates you from the next candidate and is super important to your overall profile and perception.

How do you grow your Soft Skills?

In reality, soft skills are less measurable and executable than ‘hard’ – you can’t take a test to measure your ability to empathize, or ask impactful questions in meetings. However, many corporate companies, as well as online platforms like LinkedIn, offer courses that employees can enroll in to improve upon these skills. Make sure to check in with your management to get a sense of the corporate buzz around your reputation, and identify certain skills where you have room for improvement. This way, you can be intentional when drafting a timeline and goal-setting for specific skills, as well as narrowing down online enrollment in courses to those most relevant to your development. Also, make sure to frequently check in with leadership about skills that are highly valued in future positions you may pursue, across your organization, or in other areas that you could transition into.

Check out the top 15 soft skills as defined by Workable…HERE!

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