As promised, today I will discuss ways to keep employees motivated. This is important given last week’s findings that employees want to work from home. 2022 is around the corner so as you head into the new year, it is important to think about how to look out for your employees or ways to stay motivated yourself.

  • Team building events: the dreaded team building event! Although some may roll their eyes at this title, there are ways to get employees together without forcing employees to complete an obstacle course. There are virtual trivia games, escape rooms, book clubs, and Netflix watch parties that can act as a great way to get people together. If your team is hybrid, it is important to ensure that everyone still feels like they are a part of a team.
  • Communication is key: having open lines of communication and support for your team is essential. With increased level of stress, you want to make sure your employees feel heard. Try scheduling time every week to check in with others or ask at the beginning of meetings how everyone is doing or what they did over the weekend.
  • Offer flexibility: According to the Harvard Business Review, motivation can be increased if employees are given flexibility. Letting employees choose their location may not be too bad after all!
  • Recognize and reward: in a virtual setting where tasks may go unnoticed, it is important now more than ever to recognize and reward positive behaviors. It can be frustrating among communication challenges and Wi-Fi troubles to be quite as efficient but words of encouragement to the team can go a long way.

These are just a couple of ways to keep your team engaged or remind yourself of ways to stay motivated at work. As a team leader, you want to ensure that you are doing these things to create the best environment for those you are leading.


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The workplace has turned on its head amidst the global pandemic and has caused workers to work from home. As discussed in a previous blog post, there are both positive and negatives to this lifestyle. Today, however, we will be talking about whether or not people want to go back to work.

GoodHire, an employment background checking company, surveyed 3,500 American workers to better understand the current state of remote work in 2021. The survey attempts to discover whether workers truly want to return to the office or stay home. The first statistic may not be shocking but is telling of what opportunities work from home has provided. The study found that 68% of Americans would opt for remote work over going into the office. A majority of workers have gotten accustomed to working from home and may enjoy the positives that come along with it like skipping out on the commute to and from work.

The second statistic might be a bit more surprising. What’s very telling about this survey is that 61% of survey respondents said they would take a salary cut just to continue working remotely! So, not only do people prefer working from home but a majority couldn’t even be paid to go into the office.

You may be thinking What is the big deal? if you are one of the many people who enjoy working from home. My question is: What does this mean for the company? Individuals may prefer working at home but is that what is best for the company? What about from a recruiting standpoint? This represents a huge shift for HR professionals who are used to monitoring culture and working environments in the office. Without an office, it can be difficult to motivate workers, be productive, foster collaboration, and more. From an HR perspective, it is important to accept the concept of a hybrid approach to keep current and future employees happy. This study shows that employees want to work from home so companies will have to strike the right balance of trusting employees to do so.

To answer this week’s blog title, yes remote work is here to stay. This past year has revolutionized what we consider work to look like and it’s important to consider what this means for your business. Next week, I will discuss ways to keep employees motivated.


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Hi everyone! I hope everyone has had a great start to their week. Today’s blog will talk about some outdated skills that you may want to cross off your resume. Times have changed so if you haven’t scanned over your resume in a while, you might want to pull it up and make sure the skills you have listed are relevant.

  • Typing speed: although it is important to be able to type up documents, it is no longer necessary to list typing speed in your skills section. As goes for some of these skills, if it is very specific to the job you are applying for, use sparingly but for a general application, this skill is out of date.
  • Microsoft office: this might come as a bummer to most, I know it does to me but the ability to use Microsoft office is sadly out of date. Almost all applicants know their way around Microsoft office and maybe even excel. My entrepreneurship teacher said the best way to differentiate yourself nowadays would be to get into data analysis or coding applications like R, Python, or Tableau.
  • Fax: for more obvious reasons, fax skills no longer need to be included on a resume. Some companies still use tax but if necessary, it is understood that applicants would know or can learn quickly.
  • Research: research in the most basic sense should not be listed on a resume anymore. There are obvious exceptions like academic research but if you are referring to simple web searches, it should not be listed.
  • Telephone: this skill used to be sought after due to the complexity of phone systems but as the process has gotten much easier, this skill should no longer be listed.
  • Email: same goes for email. You perhaps used email to reach out to the job you’re applying for or to set up an interview. Email is not necessarily a skill rather something that you should be sufficient in.
  • Filing: the simple task of filing no longer belongs on the resume. Again, there can be exceptions to the rule but rather than listing on the resume, highlight your experience sorting medical records or court documents as opposed to listing filing as a skill.
  • Data entry: much like above, data entry has become mainstream therefore most job seekers don’t need to see it on a resume.

Hopefully, these skills remind you to look back at your resume to clean up any outdated wording you see. Instead, try looking at some soft skills that you might have like teamwork, communication, adaptability, or time management. Find what skills are both truthful and connect to the job you are searching for.


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Interviews for the 2022 year are rolling around and you want to be as prepared as possible. Hannah has given great advice for some interview prep in previous blogs, but what about the topic of COVID-19!? Today I’ll share some tips on how to appropriately talk about COVID-19 in an interview setting

  • Be sensitive: this is the most important tip in my opinion! Everyone has been affected by COVID in one way or another. COVID has turned some people’s lives completely upside down, so it is important to be cognizant of how others’ families, jobs, relationships, and health may have been affected. Avoid dismissing COVID and the millions of lives that it touched because you don’t know how the interviewer dealt with the pandemic.
  • Avoid getting political: in general, you do not want to get political during a job interview. In addition to COVID, there have been many events that have come to light this past year. If you are proud of something you did, be sure to highlight possible skills relevant to the job but do your best to avoid politics.
  • Do your research on the company: make sure to check that you are a good culture fit for the company. Some companies may be more receptive to hear about your activism compared to others. Some industries may want to know what you did during the pandemic more than others, so make sure that when you’re doing research for the interview, you note what they might want to learn from you.
  • Practice: practice in an interview setting always Have a roommate, friend, or family member ask you some questions related to COVID -19 and practice your answers. Some questions you might want to think about are: How do you make sure to keep up with your work amidst a global pandemic? What was the shift to virtual work like for you? How do you handle distractions in a work-from-home setting? How do you collaborate with others in a virtual setting?

During an interview, it is almost important to be your authentic self. Stay true to know you are but know that coming prepared and practicing are a must! Even in a virtual interview, you can stand out.


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Do you ever feel like your Monday is spent catching up from the weekend and by the time you get yourself organized, it is already Wednesday? Recently with a rainy Monday, it has been hard to motivate and make the most out of my Mondays so here are some tips to get a jump start on the week:

  • Take five minutes to plan your week: what are your top priorities? What meals will you cook this week? Any appointments that need to be scheduled? Take some time on Monday to write down or type out what you need to get a handle on the week.
  • Schedule some relaxation time: instead of binge-watching your favorite TV show all weekend or checking social media 30 times throughout the day, try and schedule some time for a bit of relaxation each week. If you have a crazy busy week and don’t feel as if you have the time, while you clean your room or fold laundry, throw on some of your favorite music to keep powering through the week.
  • Say goodbye to pajamas: As the work-from-home environment made it easy to roll out of bed and hop on zoom with pajama pants and a nice t-shirt, unfortunately, this will not help you get a jump start to your week. On Monday, throw on your best outfit and you will carry that confidence with you throughout the day and week.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: without the same structure on the weekends, we may forget to drink as much water. Fill up a water bottle before heading off for the day to fight off feeling sluggish from the weekend.
  • Find something good in every day: sometimes the week drags on and other times you blink and it’s the weekend. As great as the weekend is, try and find something about every day that makes you happy. Do something every day that brings meaning into your life.

I hope these tips help you get a good start to your week. It is easy to let the week pass you by as the weather starts to turn but continue to make that effort to get outside and enjoy the fall weather.


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Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about another topic that we encounter every day…email! Now that your social media is cleaned up, you can now learn to clean up some email etiquette. Emailing can be hard especially when trying to thank someone without sounding overly excited or sending the perfect apology. Below are the 10 golden rules for crafting the best email.


Keep in mind, communication can vary depending on the industry, your relationship with the recipient, etc.


  • Clear subject line: for the subject line, get to the point. If the email is urgent, express that in the subject line but use it sparingly.
  • Use a greeting: depending on your relationship with the recipient, use a greeting. If you do not know the recipient, you should be more formal with your greeting. You should also quickly introduce yourself. Lastly, if you are emailing back and forth in a chain, you don’t need to continually use a greeting. Similar to the golf etiquette blog, follow the lead of the people you are talking to.
  • Use shorthand when applicable: if you are emailing back and forth with your team and have acronyms for certain projects, you can use them. If there are people outside the team, this can make them feel out of place so try to adjust based on who the group is.
  • State the purpose of your email: no one wants to read emails that drag on and on for paragraphs. If you need action by a specific date, make sure to lead with that. Open-ended emails can be confusing.
  • Emojis can be over-powering: it is easy to throw a smiley face emoji into every emoji to lighten up the tone. Tone across emails can be difficult, but you want to be careful over-doing the emoji.
  • Check who you’re sending to: do you want to reply to everyone or just who sent the email? Are you sending your email to the right Amy? Especially with private information, it is very important to double-check your recipients.
  • Spell check: Grammarly is your best friend! When you are looking over who you are sending to, be sure to check your grammar and spelling. There is nothing worse than sending an email to your boss, just to realize a big spelling error when you hit send.
  • Respond to emails in a timely manner: this is very important for daily tasks. It is easy to forget when your inbox is overflowing with emails, but if you get your responses out of the way, this leaves more time to focus on your work.


I hope this acts as a reminder to keep up your email etiquette. Have a great weekend and hopefully take some time away from your email inbox!


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Hi everyone and happy Monday! I’m sure you have social media – everyone does now! Social media is a great way to connect with friends and see what they are up to. In the professional world, social media can be a way to scan potential new hires, so it is important to make sure your social media represents the best version of yourself. Why is this important? 57% of Americans who use social media have posted something that they regret. Even if you think your social media accounts are clean, here are a couple of tips to make sure you don’t have to sweat it when HR does a sweep of your accounts.


  • Google yourself! This is a great place to start even if you think that your social media is clean. You want to make sure that the searches don’t uncover anything from your past that doesn’t paint you in the best light. You m
  • The power of archiving photos: On Instagram, it is possible to temporarily “delete” or archive photos. This way, you don’t have to delete photos if you are on the fence.
  • Take a look at your Twitter: Twitter makes it easy to type whatever you’re thinking and post without much thought. You’ll want to look back through your Tweets (go far back) to make sure that everything is something you wouldn’t mind your boss seeing. You will also want to look at what accounts you’re following. Make sure across all platforms that the content that you engage with also reflects your beliefs
  • Take a conservative approach to what might be considered “offensive” or “inappropriate”. Try to look at your accounts from an outside perspective. You may think one of your posts is hilarious given the backstory with all your friends, but social media posts can be misconstrued very easily. Again, you’ll want to go through who you are following and the content you are liking.
  • Take a minute before posting to consider who will be seeing your post. The power of social media is incredible because you can write a message and within 30 seconds it will be posted for the world to see. With that responsibility, you will want to take a minute before hitting “send”.


These are easy ways to prevent a red flag in the hiring process. HR teams across companies and even universities take this very seriously. In 2017, Harvard rescinded the admissions offers of at least 10 students who posted obscene memes to a Facebook group. So, take a scroll through your social media accounts because you never know who might be looking down the road!


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Hi everyone! Have you ever found yourself on an online call while scrolling on your phone, checking your email, or thinking about your next task that day? Have you ever met a new person, asked their name, and then five minutes later completely forgot? I can answer yes to all of the above.


Today I am going to discuss how to become a better, active, listener because it is something that is so important in today’s world.

  • Put all distractions away: I know that you might think that you are a great multi-tasker, but if you want to become a better listener, you need to focus on whatever is in front of you. We spend a majority of our day thinking about what we are going to do next and it distracts us from the task at hand. Silence your phone; turn off your texts on your computer and you will already be more prepared to listen.
  • Body language: When you are talking to someone in person, body language is so important. The simple act of making sure you are facing the person you are talking to can help you focus on what they are saying. Also, better posture shows the person that you care about what they are saying and want to know more.
  • Eye contact: I know eye contact can sometimes feel awkward or uncomfortable… it’s probably just my generation trained to stare at their phones, but it really comes in handy when trying to actively listen to others. Our mind follows where our eyes are so if your eyes are darting around the coffee shop, I’m sure your thoughts aren’t far behind.
  • Draw interest from the other person: We are much more prone to be attentive listeners when the person who is speaking is interesting to us. If you find yourself having trouble listening to others, try and ask yourself what you can get out of the conversation. Even finding something trivial will help you stay engaged.
  • Be present: Everyone has a lot on their plate these days. It seems like there are never enough hours in the day… hopefully I’m not alone in this sentiment! If you find yourself always thinking about what is next on the to-do list or what questions need to be asked at the end of the conference call, try to actively be present in conversations. It might be hard at first but training your brain to focus on the conversation at hand will make you a much better listener and will help retention.


Listening is important in both your professional and social lives. Most schools teach you how to read and write, but why don’t we have classes on how to listen? Many managers consider a good listener to be a top trait among new hires but find that new hires tend to be bad listeners, so we know there is a disconnect. There are many reasons for this but becoming a better listener can make those around you feel more appreciated. Try out these tips and see how much more productive you can be.


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Hi everyone, welcome back to part 2 of this golf series! Now that you know the basics, I want to talk about some golf etiquette tips that will ensure that you leave a golf outing having respected both the course and your partners.


In the professional world, golf is a great way to talk to someone outside the confines of the office. Golf is also a game that can be very difficult to master. It takes a lot of practice, so even if you will not be the next Phil Mickelson or Nelly Korda, follow these tips to get a better sense of the game.


  • Keep pace: What does this mean? 18 holes on the golf course can take a couple of hours so you want to make sure you are respecting others’ time. As a player, I always heard the phrase “Play ready golf!” After you hit, you should mentally be thinking about what club you will need for your next shot. You can take a practice swing or two, but you don’t want to be making those around you wait to finish up every hole. This will also ensure that the group behind you isn’t waiting behind you forever. Make sure to be cognizant of your time and try to prepare as you walk up to your ball where you want to play the ball.
  • Repair the ground: You will inevitably make a divot when you play golf. This is when you kick up grass from your swing. If this happens, grab the missing piece and place it back and do your best to repair it. If you hit your ball into the sand, rake the bunker (and do a good job!) A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself before you leave the bunker, Would I be upset if I had to play from that spot?
  • Enter the bunker from the low side: if you’re like me, your golf ball may be a magnet to the bunker (sand). When approaching, make sure to enter on the lowest side and avoid walking on the steepest part of the bunker unless absolutely necessary.
  • Stand still and silent when your partner is hitting: golf is a very mental game. It can be frustrating at times, but this also means that it is easy to be distracted. When your partner is teeing off, stand behind them and don’t speak. When you’re on the green, make sure your shadow is not in their line. The easiest way to do this, again, try and stand out of their way. Bonus if you ask them if they want the flag in or out while putting.
  • Help out: another great way to show your attentiveness is to help look for lost balls. Better yet, you can watch and track their shots so they don’t turn into lost balls. This will show your partner how helpful you are, speeds up the pace of play, and makes for a more enjoyable round.


There are hundreds of etiquette tips for the game of golf. If I had one overarching tip, it would be to follow the lead of those you are playing with. If they are taking mulligans on holes, you may follow. If they are laughing and having a beer, you should join if you would like. The bottom line is that golf is a game of respect so make sure you are on your best behavior and try and have fun! No one likes playing sports with a sore loser.

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Hi everyone! After a beautiful weekend, I wanted to discuss a topic that I have had lots of experience with: golf! Summer is always the best time to get back out on the golf course and hopefully you golfers out there can hit the course a couple more times before fall weather is in full swing .  If you are not a serious golfer… this post is for you!


I went to a high school of 4,000 students so my parents pressed me to try out for a fall sport in addition to the soccer team in the spring. Showing up without ever swinging a club, I barely got the ball off the ground the entire 9 holes (which felt like 18). Luckily, the team was no cut so over 4 years I learned and grew in the sport. I was also able to get my score down drastically, although I’m not sure it could’ve gotten worse.


On Thursday I will discuss golf etiquette, but today I wanted to talk about some of the most basic golf rules if you have limited previous experience.


  • Dress appropriately: how you dress is often one of the first things someone will notice about you. For women, a longer skirt or golf pants and a collared shirt are appropriate. For men, nice shorts or pants, and a collared shirt. No backward hats or t-shirts. You want to look sharp the same way you would want to look polished going into work on your first day.
  • Don’t be late: this rule goes for most things in life, but make sure that you are respecting other people’s time. Be on time for your tee time. You should even go a bit earlier to get some practice in.
  • Turn off your phone and keep it that way: You should not be using your phone during your time on the course. Make sure that you turn it off or at least turn your ringer off. You do not want your phone going off as your partner is in mid-swing!
  • Keep your temper under control: Although golf can be a frustrating game, you want to keep your cool. You may be hitting the ball every way except the fairway as a beginner. No matter what happens, you want to keep your composure and keep going. Golf is a great way to see how someone can deal with adversity. So, after a bad shot, pick your head up, laugh it off, and get ready for the next one! Under no circumstance should you throw your club or start yelling and cursing!
  • Be careful on the green: On the putting green, you don’t want to leave your mark. If you make a mark, do your best to repair it (I’ll get into this more on Thursday). If you’re carrying your bags, place them off of the green. Lastly, when taking out the flag, place it down carefully.
  • Play farthest from the ball: Once everyone has teed off, whoever is farthest from the hole will hit next. This is a great rule of thumb. You’ll want to stay out of that golfer’s way and stay quiet. During this time, you should be thinking about your next shot.


This is just a beginners’ guide to a golf outing, but I will share more etiquette tips on Thursday. I hope you enjoyed it and come back later this week for more.

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Hi everyone and happy Thursday!

Today I want to talk about something that I have always been fascinated with: how to improve your memory. Whether this is prepping for a presentation, remembering others’ names, or mentally tracking where you left your Air pods, improving your memory can keep you feeling sharp.


You might have heard the term brain fog over the past year and a half. It is a term that describes a lingering sluggish feeling after contracting COVID-19. Even if you have not had COVID-19, the online work/learning environment may have you feeling off. I have some tips that will help if this describes how you’re feeling or just want to find ways to improve your memory (I know I do!)


  • Eat less added sugar: eating too much added sugar has been linked to cognitive decline. Sugar can lead to poor memory specifically with short-term memory so next time you reach for that soda replace it with water this will help with both memory and overall health.
  • Try a fish oil supplement: fish oil is said to lower the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, relieve stress and anxiety, and slow mental decline. Try adding fish oil supplements to your daily routine!
  • Try your hand at meditation: meditation has many positive effects on your health with memory and cognition being just a couple. Meditation can help with spatial working memory which is your ability to hold and process information in your mind about the positions of objects in space.
  • Get some sleep: short-term memories are strengthened and transformed into long-lasting memories during sleep. Put that phone away before bed and get a good night’s sleep to improve your memory.
  • Train your brain: exercising your brain is also a very effective way to boost your memory. There are a variety of fun brain games to keep you on your toes. Try out a new game like a crossword puzzle, tetris, or sudoku. This has also shown a reduction in the risk of dementia.
  • Exercise more: exercising your brain helps with memory, and the same goes for exercising your body! If you can’t tell from some past blogs, exercising has an impact on both physical and mental health. Take 15 minutes out of your day to get a quick workout in and hopefully you will be feeling better on the inside and out.
  • Eat some chocolate: don’t have to tell me twice! Cocoa has antioxidants called flavonoids that increase blood flow in parts of the brain associated with memory. Choose dark chocolate with a content of 70% cacao (source of antioxidants) or higher.


There are fun, simple, and even tasty ways to improve your memory. I hope these tips can help you remember that last item you need from the grocery store. I’m on my way to get some dark chocolate and fish oil supplements right now!

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Happy Monday and happy Labor Day! On this day we celebrate workers and the labor force’s achievements with parades, picnics, and parties! I hope you all enjoy this day off because it is very well deserved after this past year turned work upside down.

A majority of people have been working from home since the pandemic hit. This has been a difficult transition for everyone: figuring out how to ignore the distractions of working from home, miscommunications, being in a different time zone than teammates, loneliness, mental and physical health, the list goes on. It did have a couple of perks, like no morning traffic, but it was a very stressful time across the globe for all. As some work has returned to the office, this can also be a difficult transition. The concept of work-life balance becomes SO important.

Why is having a work-life balance important? Having a balanced schedule helps reduce stress and prevent burnout in the workplace. On the flip side, employers can save money and maintain a healthier and more productive workforce so it is a win-win! Here are some tips to improve your work-life balance as you enter the office again.


  • Have set work hours and stick to them. This is so important. With your computer just one foot away, it can be easy to extend the workday. Turn off your computer and save some time after work so you can enjoy personal time. This can help with problem-solving as well!
  • Make your workspace work for you. Adding your own personal touch to your workspace as well as having comfortable furniture and support can go a long way.
  • Exercise! Make exercise a priority. Stressed at work? Need to get outside? Squeezing in some exercise during the day can help release some much-needed endorphins.
  • Do what you love. Take time to do something that you love – other than work – throughout the day. Creating little habits and finding time for your hobbies will make you not only happy but can help your success at work by thinking outside the box.
  • Make time for friends. Working can get lonely. Schedule time for friends whether it is as simple as grabbing coffee or a quick call to say hello. The pandemic has definitely taught me that it is important to check in on those that you love.


I hope this helps as people begin to return to the office and I return to the classroom. This change will be difficult for many people so continue to check in on your friends and employees. Enjoy this Labor Day and if you’re searching for a new position, check out our open jobs list!

As September means that summer is coming to a close, many of us might be wondering where the time went this summer. I know I am! Although for some that may mean getting back into the swing of school and others may be counting down the days until Halloween festivities, September is a great time to reflect on summer.

  • Make time to get outside. The summer months are spent beneath the sun but don’t let the end of summer mean the end of venturing outside. There is sufficient research to show that not enough vitamin D can lead to depression-like symptoms. So, make it a point to take a nice daily walk or eat lunch outside with friends to soak up the sun (with sunscreen of course).
  • Make a bucket list of things you’re most excited about in the coming months. Ready to leave summer behind? Summer is not for everyone. The heat, bugs, and lack of routine might have you excited for pumpkin spice lattes and a Halloween movie marathon. If this sounds like you, make a bucket list of things you are looking forward to. Even if you LOVE summer, to get excited for September and the new things to come, a bucket list can help. Setting goals and creating bucket lists help focus our attention, articulate what we want to explore and turn those ideas into a reality.
  • Set aside time for a personal reflection. Whether this is through journaling, meditation, or time alone with your thoughts, think about some of these questions:
    • What was your favorite thing about summer?
    • What was the best thing that you experienced this summer?
    • If you could go back and do summer over, what would you change?
    • What did you learn about yourself this summer?
    • How was this summer different from past summers?
    • What lessons or takeaways would you like to carry with you into the fall?
  • Create a routine. Creating a new routine can be just the fresh start that you need to kickstart the new season. Get organized and prioritize what needs to be done in September. You can almost think of September as the new January!

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Hi everyone! My name is Niki Urban, and I am so excited to take over this Esquire blog.

With that being said, I have huge shoes to fill after seeing how Hannah was able to create unique and easy-to-read blog content for three YEARS!

You might be thinking… Who are you and how did you land this job? Great question! I am a senior at the University of Wisconsin double majoring in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I met Hannah through Greek life, and she recommended this job to anyone interested in taking on a marketing role. Always looking to expand my horizons, I jumped at the idea and got to talking with Hannah and Scott. One interview later, where we discussed everything from golf to SEO exposure, and here I am!

I have lots of first-hand marketing skills as I started my own art business four years ago. I create personalized portraits made solely out of words. Whether that be singers filled with lyrics or wedding photos filled with first dance songs, this passion of mine has taught me a lot about what it takes to create a business (and market it!). I have also completed two marketing internships at a graphic design and financial services company. I am excited to take my creative ideas and turn them towards this blog. If you want to check out my art, my website is Outside of school, I love hiking, cooking with my roommates, drawing, and of course the occasional Netflix binge. I am still trying to come up with a fun fact for my first day of senior year, though!

I look forward to writing this blog and wish Hannah the best of luck in her new role at Discover.

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Hello everyone! I truly can’t believe I’m saying this, but this is my farewell! I signed onto to take over the blog posting for Esquire back in May of 2018, and haven’t looked back since. Working with this team has taught me the importance of social media exposure, growth, followers, audiences, and so much more about online omnichannel marketing. I’ve learned so much about a wide variety of business industries, legal recruiting, and what it means to work for a boutique firm with an outstanding team.

So, what does the future look like for me? Keep reading HERE to find out!

Hannah’s Next Steps

Full-Time Work

Primarily, I’ll be joining Discover Financial Services on Monday as a participant in their Business Leadership Rotational program. When searching for full-time work last fall, I kept the option of a rotation at top of my mind. Not only do I believe programs of this sort capitalize on company-wide exposure but are a fantastic way to transition from an internship to a full-time position. Entering into this 2 year rotational program (one year per role, so two in total), provides me two more years to explore the company and identify my interests and strengths. Doing so also introduces me to a “cohort” of entry-level employees joining the same program, creating a fraternity-like relationship between all 22 of us! I am so excited to be surrounded by like-minded but diverse individuals experiencing the same career trajectory – I can’t wait to learn from those around me!

Chicago Move

Aside from my actual work, I do plan to relocate to downtown Chicago sometime within the next few months. What I recommend for anyone in a similar position to my own is to… save! Let’s be honest, Chicago, as well as several other populous cities in the US are still not fully back to “pre-pandemic” atmospheres. For that reason, I plan to take advantage of the first few months acclimating to my new role to save up money for rent and expenses and get situated. If you’re someone who feels discomfort when it comes to change, this is a fantastic way for you to mitigate one component of change while taking on a completely new professional endeavor.

Professional Upkeep

Finally…. how will I maintain awareness of industry trends and stay in the know without Esquire?! If you feel like you’ve fallen off the map this summer, or are interested in learning more about your industry, I highly recommend signing up for newsletters! The Skimm, the New York Times, and the Morning Brew are three components of my morning routine. Taking just a few minutes each morning to learn about the current events of the world is a great way to keep up to date with your industry as well as foster intellectual conversations with your coworkers.

Thank you to everyone that has allowed this platform to grow over the last 3 years… I’ll surely miss this position, but can’t wait for you to meet Niki on Monday!

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Hello and welcome back everyone! I can’t believe I’m saying this… but it is my final week as head of posting and creating this blog content. I’ve had such a wonderful experience leading this endeavor and growing such an unmatched and valued community within you all. At Esquire, we are so lucky to have evolved over the last few years and grown with such incredible clients and candidates across all business industries!

I thought that it was not only appropriate but very pertinent to my current situation to offer my top tips for transitioning into another role! Are you swapping roles at your company?! Leaving altogether? Wrapping up an internship? Any of these changes will welcome our tips so keep reading below to find out…

Transitioning Roles Effectively

  • Preparation: Above all, preparing so that you leave your future “replacement” in a beneficial spot is the most courteous way to create a smooth transition. After all, you aren’t expected to stay in one role your whole life, so leaving on good terms with any company will likely revolve around how you left things. If you have any outstanding projects, due dates, emails to get back to, etc., put in the extra time over your last few weeks to complete everything so that the next employee can start FRESH!
  • Create Guides or Manuals: Almost every single role across each business industry comes with specific software, operations, logistics, templates, etc. So, think through the technology or platforms that you use on a daily basis to complete your given role. How can you create a resource (most likely an online document) that will assist the next employee with completing their tasks? Going this extra mile will not only showcase your care for their transition but your commitment to any company. This does not need to be a novel… a few pages may suffice! Just make sure all login information is converted, platforms are explained, directions are given… and you’ll be set to leave!
  • Transfer Contact Information: This may be best situated within a resource document, but we encourage you to write down any applicable contract information that will help the future team member. Whether this means other team members, Microsoft Teams groups, your manager, or any other employee “resources,” documenting these people’s contact info. is guaranteed to save this person time when they run into a question!
  • Act as an Ongoing Resource! Finally, we highly encourage you to offer up ongoing assistance, at least over the first few weeks when the new person takes their role. While they may be feeling flustered, guiding someone through a task you’ve likely done for years will take minimal time out of your day! Being a resource to this person is not only great “karma” for you but an awesome way to continue showing your company that you care.

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Hello everyone! We are rapidly approaching another warm summer weekend. Today, we’re here to offer you a few different ideas for ways to commute to your job. Are you still working from home? Considering heading back to the office full time or periodically? Not sure how to prep to get there? Keep reading HERE for all of the answers you need…

Commuting to Work…


First and foremost, the commute we’re all probably envisioning. The train is a commute as old as time, and a great way to navigate any city and even many suburbs. Locating your closest line, and also communicating that to your company in case you are eligible for commuting benefits (often in the form of reimbursements or supplemental credits towards passes like CTA) is a great way to take advantage of your offer package and get moving! The train is not only convenient but quick and a hands-free approach to commuting to your job.


Often, a bus/shuttle will be paired with your train ride in the case that your stop is still a few blocks or miles away from your office. Check with your company to identify whether or not they provide a company shuttle specifically for employees (many do!) and how to best navigate the timing to take advantage of this benefit. If your office is within a few miles of your home, taking a quick bus and locating a walkable stop might save you more time than even taking the train! Again, see if your role is eligible for compensation surrounding transportation to take financial advantage where applicable.

Personal Car

Another option that may suit you if you’re looking for some alone time in the morning is by traveling in a personal vehicle. For our college students… if this sounds like you, make sure that your future apartment either provides parking, directs you to a near parking facility, or is situated near street parking! Make sure to weigh the costs and benefits with this option, as monthly city parking adds up quickly and gas mileage may too. However, driving a personal car to your company is undoubtedly a quick, convenient, clean, and peaceful route to work!


Finally, if you’re someone with the pleasure of living within a few blocks or miles from work, walking is not only a fantastic way to jumpstart your morning, but an exercise in and of itself! We recommended bringing work clothes and changing once you are there if you think you’ll work up a sweat. This alternative is a fantastic way to pack in a few steps, maybe a podcast, and some fresh air all before your work day even begins.

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Welcome back, everyone! We are so excited that so many of you are gearing up to return to middle, high school, or college… in person! If your start date is approaching quickly, we’re here to help you get readily prepared to take on your first day and conquer the new year. Keep reading to find out our best preparation strategies…

Heading Back to School…

  • Task Prioritization: Between assignments, presentations, projects, and exams, it’s crucial to prioritize assignments based on their due date and impact on your overall grade. Make sure to avoid spreading yourself too thin across multiple projects; to avoid this, pace your study schedule out across days and a variety of times, incorporate breaks, so that you won’t be left with cramming for hours on end in the days leading up to due dates. By prioritizing obligations, you will find yourself on a healthy track towards success!
    • Measurable Goals: A great way to set measurable priorities is to include goals for each assignment or study habit. Whether this means a one-hour goal of studying per exam each day, or a one-page goal per report or essay to be completed every other day, SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely) will assist you in actually tracking progress and spanning obligations over a time period instead of cramming at the last moment.
  • School Shopping Starts… Now! In order to truly get on top of several different courses, we encourage you to purchase the appropriate materials ahead of your first day. Whether this means binders, folders, pens, pencils, headphones, a driving pass, or whatever it may be, setting yourself up for success is a great way to get ahead.
  • Prioritize Your Routine: We know it can be easy to fall out of a regular routine throughout summer when most of our tasks are pushed to the side. However, whilst in school, adhering to s structured routine is your best way to avoid missing projects or deadlines, and also to continue feeling your best.
    • Extra Tip: To stay on track with all of your assignments and due dates, we encourage you to incorporate any of the following into your daily plan: an alarm clock, morning meditation or stretch, making your bed, eating breakfast, or otherwise setting consistent tasks is a great way to replicate a regular day, but adapted to a study environment.
  • Rest! Above all, we know that when your body is telling you to take a break, it’s because you’ve pushed yourself to the max. Make sure to allot a minimum of 7 hours of sleep to each night to jumpstart your next day and maintain optimal energy and health.

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Hello everyone! We hope that you’re gearing up and excited to enter into a new weekend. If that sounds like you, and especially if this relaxation is taking the form of a flight and trip to the airport, we’re here to help. Keep reading HERE to find out your top airport essentials and everything you need to know to best prepare for a vacation…

Let’s Airport “Prep”…

Night Before

The night before the flight is undoubtedly your time to shine. What do we mean by that? Use your home Wi-Fi, download your movies, and take advantage of this time to have everything you need for the actual plane ride intact! Follow along with the checklist we created to assemble your carry-on.

  • Chargers – for all tablets, laptops, cellphones, headphones, and more!
  • Downloads – Podcasts, Movies, TV, Music, and more!
  • Any snacks to get you through the day (granola bars, bagged snacks, etc.)
  • An empty water bottle to bring with you on vacation – make sure that there are no liquids left in its content so as to avoid problems at security!
  • Any books or beach essentials to start on the plane…
  • Hand wipes, sanitizer, face masks, and other resources to allow you to reach optimal comfort on the flight. 
  • Neck pillows, blankets, or other seat compliments. 

Morning Of

We encourage you to use the morning of to secure all of your vacation essentials. At this point, it would be most beneficial for your carry-on and flight belongings to be prepared and ready to grab on the way out the door. But… did you pack:

  • Pajamas
  • Exercise or activity clothing/gear
  • Night-time outfits for a fancier “vibe” – always remember to bring extra layers or jackets in case your location cools off or endures a breeze!
  • All appropriate shoes: for exercise, lounge, nights out and walks around town.
  • “Hang out” clothing like tees, shorts, sweats, and other comfort essentials. 
  • If you’re going someplace warm… bathing suits, sunscreen, hats, flip flops, ponytails, scrunchies, cover-ups, and all of your pool go-to’s!

We hope that this list provides MORE than enough of a start for you to be secure as you step onto your flight. Safe travels and we hope you enjoy your trip!

If you’re looking for a new position… check out our open jobs list!

PSA to our post-grad students! Starting a full-time job?! Not sure how to best prepare for that first day looming over your head?! Keep reading here to find out everything you need to know to leave a positive impression and succeed through all components of your role…
AND… if you’re still looking for a job, have no fear! Check out our open jobs list HERE!

Let’s Prep: Day 1 Addition…

Night and Week Before:

  • Practice Transportation: If your new position requires travel to an unfamiliar area or city, we recommend practicing your route to work beforehand. That way, you won’t run into any commute-related surprises on your first day!
  • Elevator Pitch: Let’s be honest, you’ll likely be meeting new people all day on your first day on the job. In order to leave a positive and well-thought-out impression, try to loosely prepare a casual “elevator pitch” to share with those you meet – think of it as a brief introduction of why you’re there, what you’re doing, and who you are!
  • Relaxation: Your next day is going to be jam-packed whether you’re working from home or going to the office, so remember to allow for some relaxation the night before! Whether this means a movie night, meditation, bath, face mask, hearty meal, or even a glass of wine, allow for some self-indulgence.
  • Layout Your Outfit: The last thing your morning needs is a scramble of what to wear. Layout any clothing, shoes, or accessories (even if it’s a briefcase) that you plan to wear the next day. This will decrease the time it takes you to get ready the next morning and will also diminish any anxiousness.
  • Set Alarms! Set two! Set three! Set four! Anything you need to do to completely ensure that you will wake up at the exact time you have set.

Morning of:

  • Timeliness: The first day means… first impressions! There is no easier way to increase your first impression in a positive way than showcasing your preparation by arriving early. Yes, this means getting out of bed earlier than usual, and leaving your home early too! As we’ve said in the past, if you’re on time, you’re late. Trust us, it’ll pay off.
  • Be Extra Aware of Attitude and Tone: Walk in with a smile! All of your hard work has paid off and you are finally starting your new job. Look excited, engaged, motivated, and ready to become emerged in your new role. Also, make sure you are using a tone that showcases excitement.
  • Be Friendly! We encourage you to make the first move and initiate a conversation with those around you. Say “Hi,” ask how people’s day is, and make an effort to meet the people you will be working with. If it helps, plan out some common questions to ask others (conversation starters) beforehand. Everyone loves to feel valued!
  • Active Listening: On your first day, remember that you are a sponge! Take in any information offered to you by your supervisor, hiring manager, or co-workers. As a newbie, it will help you immensely to gain any intellect that you can (be cautious of company-specific acronyms).
  • Accept Lunch: More times than not, lunch will be offered to you on your first day, or there will be a cafeteria to purchase food in. Take advantage of this time to socialize with new coworkers and become immersed in your new setting! Packing snacks are okay, but try to avoid preparing an entire meal.

However, if you’re still looking for that new position… check out our open jobs list!