Hello again everyone! As we head into the long weekend, I thought today would serve as a perfect time to reflect on some of the biggest learnings I took away from my four years spent at UW-Madison. As I quickly approach the “start of the real world,” in the sense of beginning a full-time job, I’ve found a few lessons worth leaving to any student at the start of their college career, looking for any advice, and open to a new perspective! Keep reading to find out…

Top 5 College Lessons…

  1. When it comes to studying, listen to your brain!

It’s so easy to feel the pull to stay up all night, cram in every piece of information, and otherwise run yourself overboard when studying for exams or submitting large assignments. Trust me, I’ve been there. But, what I’ve taken away from the last few years and as I eased into the swing of college coursework is that it is so important to listen to your brain and body when you need a break. Although it may seem beneficial to push until the last second, starting your studying strategies earlier, getting a good night’s sleep, going for a walk in the middle of the day, and truly utilizing “brain breaks” was an essential key to my success. Not only did doing so help me keep a sense of motivation, but it allowed me to retain so much more information than I would have in brain overdrive mode.

  1. Take advantage of the city that you’re in!

College provides such a unique time period in the sense of offering four years (if able) to immerse yourself and live in a new environment and city that you may never again. Recently, I’ve taken advantage of surrounding neighborhoods, sought out new restaurants, cafes, or bars, and seen everything that Madison has to offer! Whether this looks like walking to a new place, renting a “B-Cycle” as we do in Wisconsin, or otherwise exploring with friends, make sure to take advantage of the wonderful place where you live!

  1. Put on a smiling face always, and leave a great impression on the people you meet.

You never know how the people around you will impact your life moving forward. Many of my professors went on to provide incredible letters of recommendation that helped me land a variety of internships. Many of the friends I made in my student organization offered me their votes when I ran for Vice President. And many of my sorority sisters have become lifelong best friends. So, no matter where you are or who you’re speaking to, offer a smile, a kind tone, and a conversation… you never know how valuable it will be!

  1. Ask for help!

Remember that you are not alone! Your friends, family, mentors, professors, advisors, and the people you surround yourself with are there to help. College is wonderful in so many ways but does not come without challenges. When they arise, know that you are not alone, and asking for help showcases strength above anything else.

  1. Go out, enjoy yourself, and don’t be too hard on yourself.

Finally, remember that you are YOUNG! Everyone says that these four years fly by, but trust me, they do. So know that that one exam that’s giving you a hard time won’t determine your future, but the memories you make spent with friends may very well carry with you throughout your entire life.

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Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! Today, we’re here to introduce you to some of our favorite ways to get organized and help set ourselves up for personal and professional success in the summer. Ever heard of Spring cleaning?! Why not make it Summer?! Keep reading to find out some of our favorite organizational habits today…

Let’s Get Organized…

  • Closet Clean-Out: First and foremost, our personal environment, including clutter and closet, has a huge impact on overall productivity feel, and motivation. If you, like myself, know that there are a bunch of pieces in your closet that haven’t seen the light of day in years, now is the perfect time to reevaluate your wardrobe by cleaning out your closet. Doing so will allow you to gauge what you have, what you may treat yourself to, and overall de-clutter your living space.
  • Goal Reevaluation: Just as we’ve reminded you throughout the year, a change of season will always prove a fantastic time to reevaluate goals that you’ve set out to achieve over the course of the year. Are you staying on track to measurable metrics? Is this the motivator you need to dive back into your original plans? If so, we recommend writing goals down, sharing with friends and family to create a support and accountability system, and beginning to get on track today!
  • Switch Up Your “WFH” Office Environment: One reason that you may be feeling stuck or lacking creativity/motivation is that you’ve been situated in the same physical space for far too long. Simply moving an office work-from-home desk towards a window, moving work out of your bedroom, adding a new step to your routine (like morning breakfast, smoothie, or coffee!) will help you feel a sense of rejuvenation and a new beginning.
  • Schedule Productivity: Finally, we always encourage you to document time for yourself (even if it looks like work!) into your schedule. Not only does doing so inform those around you of your plans and when they can expect you to be “reachable”, but it allows you to stay accountable to your own plan and check another task off your to-do list! Scheduling in time for a closet cleanout, a home re-org., a morning walk, and any other activity will serve as both a reminder to do so and motivation to get started!

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Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog, today we’re here to help those of you (like myself) whose responsibilities have partially cleared up in the last few weeks. If you’re between coursework, internship start dates, seeking new hobbies, or otherwise looking to fill the day when there aren’t any requirements on the schedule, this article is for you. Keep reading to find out our favorite ways to fill the day here!

Hobbies and Activities…

  • Exercise: First and foremost, we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to move your body, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and get into exercise! Whether this looks like weight-lifting, cardio, yoga, or any other type of workout, every step counts. Incorporating exercise into your routine 2-3 times a week (or otherwise specified by your doctor) is a great way to set yourself up for future success, create self-accountability, and fill up the day.
  • Walking: While exercising or physically going to the gym can be intimidating for first-timers or those interested in immersing in fitness, walking is a fantastic medium to get your body moving, stay healthy, and still get a great workout in. Even just 20 minutes around the block will help you build up stamina each day to increase your endurance more and more.
  • Hiking, Biking, Spending time Outdoors: Piggybacking off of the walking idea, any activity outdoors is an amazing way to get yourself out of the house, incorporate physical workouts and health, and get to see the city you live in! Especially those of you who are situated in a warm, green climate with opportunities to take advantage of, look through your community’s resources to see how you can take advantage of nearby trails, outdoor activities, and more.
  • Meditating and Mindfulness: If you’re looking for a filler throughout the workday, a short activity, or a way to start your morning, we highly encourage you to investigate mindfulness or meditation activities. These can span as short as a few minutes and as long as you see fit, and are an amazing measure of feeling grounded before embarking on the day and gathering your thoughts in a meaningful, succinct way.
  • Crafting: Another way to clear your headspace and create inner peace is by crafting! Pick up that paintbrush, purchase that sketchbook, sign up for a class, and find your groove. Crafting can take on an endless quantity and variety of forms, so finding what works for you can be an amazing adventure and a way to step outside of your comfort zone.
  • Cooking: One of my favorite ways to spend the day is by trying out new recipes and cooking new things in the kitchen! This is a great way to connect with family, friends, and roommates, and to build a new skill.
  • Reaching out and Reconnecting: Finally, we encourage you to take advantage of free time to reconnect with people you may have fallen out of touch with! Whether this is a phone call, email, quick text, or any other form of communication, you will be amazed how amazing it feels to build and maintain connections with friends, peers, family and more.

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Hello everyone! Today, we’re helping those last-minute candidates as you enter into the Summer months and continue your job search. Besides checking out a variety of websites to obtain information about potential interview questions, how can you personally prepare to present your best professional self? One of our top recommendations is to find your own strengths through a plethora of resources, questions, and more. Keep reading to find out our favorite ways to do so…

Finding Your Strengths…

  • Personality Tests: Generally a free and accessible resource, personality tests continue to gain popularity and value in the professional workplace! There are dozens of personality tests available on the internet for you to take that will help you identify your personality type, and therefore your strengths (and weaknesses). This is a vastly important test to take before applying to jobs and even identifying which type of career will suit you best. Check out some of the most useful personality tests provided by Forbes here!
  • Reach Out: When searching for your strengths and weaknesses, reach out to those with who you spend the most time. Whether this looks like a family member, professor, mentor coworker, friend, or partner, these people interact with you from an external standpoint and view you in a different way than yourself. Ask them what they believe your strengths are and where they think you could improve. After all, these people spend the most time with you and are able to see you shine in all aspects of life (when you’re having fun, working, relaxing, etc.). This is another free resource for you, so use it!
  • Activities and Education: Another way to identify where you excel is by analyzing your performance in school/activities. If there are areas of education where you have encountered improvement, growth, or naturally excel at, identify them as your strengths. This is another way to help you understand which careers would match most closely with your personality and performance. Additionally, if you are a naturally gifted athlete, or excel in another activity, think about the value of this interest to you in your daily life. Do you want to incorporate this pursuit into your future career?
  • Use It! The awareness you’ve gained of your strengths and weaknesses is only as useful as you make it. Include experiences that showcase your strengths on your resume, and make sure to incorporate them into your interview conversation. Showcase that you understand yourself, your passions, and your desires in order to present yourself as the best candidate for any job. Additionally, don’t be afraid to acknowledge your weaknesses! We all have them! Be transparent with your interviewer, explain the exact, specific steps you are taking to improve, and you are sure to appear motivated and prepared.

Hopefully, you will use these strategies and ultimately figure out all of your strengths and weaknesses. Remember, all people excel and struggle in various areas, it’s normal. Good luck!

Need some help? Read our blog to find out what recruiters are looking for!

Understand your attributes but struggling to figure out what you want to do in life? Find out here!

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Hello everyone! As many of our academic years wrap up, today we’re here to remind you of the importance of expressing gratitude for the people around you on a daily basis. Even more, we’re focusing on the importance of remembering to thank your high school teachers, college professors, mentors, academic advisors, and all academic support for what they do! Keep reading to find out how to do so…

Thanking Your Professors…

  • Write a Note: If you are able to connect with your professor, teacher, or advisor in person, then we absolutely encourage you to write a handwritten card to serve as a thank you for the past semester and year! If you are able to drop off this note in person, the connection of seeing one another eye-to-eye is all the more meaningful. This is also a great way to get to know your professor for a few minutes outside of course hours! Expressing interest in their future plans as they do your own will set the foundation as an ongoing professional connection for years to come.
  • Send an Email: If you are unable to deliver a handwritten note in person (and that’s okay!) then we highly encourage you to pursue a digital route and instead send a thoughtful email to express thanks. Make sure to express a positive and genuine tone, a bit of a unique perspective on the characteristics of the class, and an otherwise meaningful note that doesn’t resemble a copy and pasted template.
  • Be specific! Piggybacking off of the above, make sure to always be as specific as you can about their course! What about the material interested you? What did you take away? How did this impact your future interests or career motives? What did this class mean to you! Answering any of these questions will absolutely set you up for a meaningful and memorable message.
  • Connect on LinkedIn: Finally, and similar to our above message, make sure to take advantage of these people as career resources! Many college professors are well-connected to the industries in which they teach and have obtained a plethora of valuable experience in the field that you may be entering into. By establishing a professional connection with these individuals, you never know when their future recommendation will provide the exact foot in the door that you need!

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Hello, summer school students or recent graduates! Are you in high school? College? Finishing off your degree? Well, summer courses prove the perfect opportunity to get ahead, stay on track, or catch up to your graduation requirements. Keep reading to find out how to take advantage of summer courses here…

Summer School Opportunities…

  • Ease into Challenging Coursework: One of my main pieces of advice for any college students that are dreading a specific course requirement, nervous about a certain course, or “avoiding” a topic that is historically hard at a University, then take it at another summer school! I am a huge fan of enrolling at a local community college (granted that you’ve confirmed course requirements will shift over) and getting a few of the especially challenging courses out of the way to ease your regular semesters. Doing so will help you stay on track to graduation, and ease your experience at the University during school months.
  • Get Ahead: While summer courses may help you stay on track towards graduating, certain students may be reading this article and thinking that if they are already on track, these courses may not be necessary. Well, I’m here to tell you that getting ahead of course requirements will equal if not ease up even more of your time during school months. If you think that becoming a part-time student may allow you to tack on an extra internship, job, or general leadership opportunity, then easing up a few of your final classes by taking them instead of over the summer will open up the time and space to do so!
  • Take Advantage of Free Time: Many of us have aimed at endless internships and job opportunities with a bit of a lack of luck over the last year. So, if you’re entering into summer with more free time than you had anticipated, then exploring a new kind of course material, or getting ahead is a great way to keep yourself occupied and benefit your “future” self without wasting the free time afforded to you over the next few months.
  • Chat with Your Advisor! Before you engage with summer enrollment, we recommend that you speak with an academic or student advisor to confirm the requirements you have left, see which Universities will translate over, and otherwise confirm your interests! Good luck!

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Happy Thursday everyone! Today, we’re discussing the importance of preserving work ethic amidst, exams, a lull at the office, a stagnant period, or any other productivity loss throughout the year. If you’re feeling like you need a refresh to up your motivation in your personal and professional life, keep reading here!

Work Ethic Preservation Tips…

  • Hydrate – One of the best ways to help your body get back into the swing of a healthy week is to keep yourself hydrated at all times. Keep a water bottle by your desk and set goals throughout the day to keep yourself accountable – you may even try setting an alarm on your phone as a reminder!
    • Extra tip – Many nutritionists recommend drinking apple cider vinegar after an indulgent weekend… give it a try!
  • Healthy Fuel –  Starting your Monday with a healthy breakfast will rejuvenate your body and ensure that you are feeling energized and prepared for the week’s obligations. Whether this means a cup of tea, a bowl of fruit, a plate of eggs, or any source of nutrients, charging your metabolism in the morning is key to a fueled workday.
  • Workout – Working out is a guaranteed bonus to your day, and also a great way to set the tone for the rest of your week. If getting to the gym or in-home workout space proves your greatest challenge, try changing into workout clothes towards the end of your workday to ease the transition.
  • Organize! – Making a to-do list, filling out a daily planner or calendar, or even using a sticky note and writing down what you need to complete is proven to help individuals accomplish their daily tasks and goals. This will also keep you organized and decrease your chance of forgetting a meeting or assignment.
  • Check-In – If you don’t check your work email on the weekends, make sure to get that sorted out too. Try creating a “priority” folder to move all of your most important emails from the weekend into. That way, you will at least be able to get back to your most important messages, even if you are unable to reach all of your emails in one day.
  • Let Yourself Breathe – Schedule breaks into your day as you would any other obligation. Letting yourself have time to relax is equally as important as completing your work.

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Welcome back to our fantastic followers and candidates! We are both grateful and hopeful to be back in the full swing of our work as we connect and recruit many of you for new positions. In the process of doing so, it’s crucial to nail your responses, thank you notes, and the timing of each component of the recruiting process. Learn how to do so below…

While Applying to Jobs

While you are in the application stage of employment, it is crucial to set reminders to check your email so as to be able to reply as quickly as possible to recruiters! More likely than not, your first receipt of communication will be a receipt of application and intention to schedule an interview. By replying ASAP, you will be guaranteed the widest opening of interview options to take advantage of. If you have conflicts or a busy schedule, this will be an especially important advantage for you as a candidate. Replying ahead of other competitors will also help you stand out as a motivated and dedicated individual!

Extra Tip: Make sure to always include an email signature line with the following: name, title, address, phone number, fax number, or any other crucial contact information.

While Interviewing

While interviewing, the communication that will drop into your inbox may look like a follow-up call, interview, explanation of the next steps, or even an offer of employment! Remember that in order for a company to move forward with their interviewing process, they need to hear from YOU first! Just as a timely response (aim for within a 24-hour window of receipt), will showcase your initial excitement about a role, a timely response of acceptance of negation will likely do the same.

In your responses, always be mindful of: tone, clarity, concise language, avoidance of “fluff”, and overall excitement! 

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Welcome back, everyone! Today, let’s talk: how you should aim to be perceived as a candidate online. In today’s climate, it’s almost guaranteed that each candidate comes with a social profile of their own. Whether this means Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Tik Tok, or several more, we know that we all spend a great deal of time on social media each day. So, how should you aim to come across from your “socials”? Find out below!

Crucial Social Platform Presentation:

We’ll focus on: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Personal Professionalism:

While we know that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram should not be equally considered like a resume as it relates to who you are as a candidate, the reality is that many and probably a majority of employers will check your online presence from all angles. Although it’s not uncommon for individuals to share political opinions on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, or maybe a picture at a bar on the weekends on Instagram, we encourage you to try to stay as neutral as possible regarding your opinions and weekend engagements online. A simple rule of thumb is to ask “would I post this if I knew my boss was viewing it?” If you think a certain post may spark up a heated debate, may cause your employer to question your professionalism, may offend someone on your team, etc., the answer seems pretty clear!

Steer Clear of Steamy Topics:

Piggy-backing off of the paragraph above, we encourage you to steer clear of highly controversial subjects online. Especially given the climate and the high emotions of the last year, we hope that you keep debates (and sometimes arguments!) inside the household or to friends and family. Engaging with strangers through the screen almost always ends up in conflict, so it’s better to engage with “safe” topics like family, pets, hobbies, exercise, friends, restaurants, food, and other fun aspects of life! Remember, it’s almost guaranteed that we are all on socials these days, but that doesn’t mean our personal life is completely separate from work. As we are all more connected than ever before, we must remember that our employers, teammates, and management use these platforms too and will likely see what you are posting and doing!

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Hello college students… we hope that you are cramming every last bit of joy into these next few weeks as you embark on a new phase of life… post-grad! While this time while undoubtedly comes with uncertainty and often anxiety, we’re here to introduce you to an idea to ease your stress. Let’s talk: pursuing an internship after graduation!

Benefits of Post-Grad Internships:

  • City Exploration: While we may still be operating in the virtual format this year, an internship in a new location is still a great way (or excuse) to push you to explore a different area of your state or even the entire country! Moving away and knowing that there is essentially an “expiration” date for your to reevaluate provides a huge sense of comfort and is the epitome of… why not?!
  • Career Exploration: In a similar way to how an internship may encourage you to try out a completely new environment, this job format may also provide you a chance to explore a completely different career path or try something that you may have never previously considered! Why not go for that accounting, marketing, graphic design, fashion, product development, supply chain, real estate, finance, or any other role that taps into a newfound skill set that you haven’t ever been able to develop in the past?!
  • Push Back and a Chance to … Relax! While internships are still an equally professional commitment to a full-time role, this type of temporary commitment will still allow you to push off your final date before full-time immersion at an organization. We know that with graduation may come a sense of anxiety about the future and your long-term career goals, so instead of diving in headfirst, we completely support taking it “step by step into the water” by trying out an internship first.
  • Use Your Network: If you’re struggling to find a “standard” internship through online job platforms, school resources, etc., we encourage you to use any and all of your professional connections! This may be friends, family, professors, or any person you’ve met along your professional and academic journey. Approaching the idea of job shadowing or lose intern-like responsibilities and roles is a great, unconventional way to still attain an experience of this sort even if it is not through a previously established program.

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A lot of times, getting through the application stage of applying to a new position can feel like the most intimidating part! How do you know that you are marketable? What resources should you have on hand? What are recruiters looking for these days?! Complete our checklist here to make sure you are as prepared as possible to apply to any position!

Candidate Checklist Items:

  1. Resume: A tale as old as time… yes you absolutely need a resume in order to apply to a position (and we are sure you knew that!). However, as the times change and platforms to create resumes before ever more accessible, now might be the time to create a few different versions to best cater to differing positions. If you are applying to new and more creative, digitally-focused, or “modern” roles, a pop of color or unconventional layout may make the most sense! Having a variety on hand to choose from when you click apply is the best way to “customize” your application and showcase your dedication to roles.
  2. Cover Letter: Similar to our advice above, it’s a fantastic idea to accumulate a variety of cover letters detailing different strengths, unique “tidbits” about you, and custom formats that will appeal to the eyes of differing recruiters, roles, responsibilities, or experiences. Make sure to acknowledge specific attributes of positions, companies, and reasonings as to why you’re pursuing a role in the letter to avoid sounding generic or impersonal.
  3. LinkedIn Profile: As much as it may feel redundant, we HIGHLY encourage you to keep your LinkedIn profile page up to date at all times! We use LinkedIn Recruiter on a daily basis as we seek an endless quantity of candidates for a wide range of roles. While your resume may speak to your experience, keeping yourself current online and especially on LinkedIn is equally crucial to your succeeding in portraying your “best professional self.”
  4. Portfolio or Creative Attributes: If you’re applying to a creative role or come from a background where having a portfolio is common to your field, make sure to submit these materials when you apply to positions or create links that make them accessible on resources like a resume! You want to always make sure your hiring manager or recruiter has a full picture of who you are and what you bring to the table… so lay it all on the line!
  5. Social Platforms: Finally, and we’ll get into this more next week, is making sure your social platforms are professionally appropriate and private where you see fit! In today’s environment, it should be expected that your socials contribute to how you are perceived as a candidate, so make sure that they do just that!

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Hello everyone and happy Monday! As we return into yet another new week, today we’re planning on teaching you how to approach an expansion of your responsibilities in any type of work role. If you feel as though your skill level has “plateaued”, you’re chasing a promotion, or otherwise feeling a lack of professional stimulation, this article is for you! Keep reading to learn how to appropriately express a desire to take on greater and wider obligations…

Expanding Your Workload…

  • Time Block: At Esquire Recruiting, we are huge fans of making time schedules with blocks assigned to various activities, tasks, assignments, and of course breaks too! Doing so will help you stay on track with the priorities of the day, remind yourself to take a brain break and eat, exercise, or walk around and leave your desk, and keep the prioritized tasks at the front of your mind. So, if you’ve “blocked” off most of your responsibilities and still see a gap wide enough to take action on, this may be a great indicator that you’re ready for new work.
  • Communicate! Communicating your desire to take on additional work to your teammates and any available management is a great way to be transparent about your work-life balance, motivation, and perseverance to get the job done. When your support system at the office is aware of your situation, they will be much more readily equipped to take you up to higher responsibilities!
  • Explain Your “Five Year Plan”: When approaching management, you may be asked why you feel as though you prepared to take on greater responsibilities or are suited for the next lateral step or promotion. Explaining your future goals (and they don’t need to be outlined as strictly as a five-year timeline!) and where you see your career accelerating towards will showcase to your team and leaders that you are self-aware, guiding your self-growth, and suited for a raise.
  • Take it Step by Step: There will undoubtedly be times where it just isn’t the right fit for your boss to bring you up to speed in new projects, responsibilities, or roles. If this is the case or you feel that the conversation did not pan out how you’d hoped, then try taking little steps one at a time! Whether this means offering a helping/volunteering hand to your teammates or manager on an upcoming project, staying a few hours after work to get ahead of the next day or week, or reaching out to new teams to try shadowing or lending some help in new avenues will showcase your dedication to growth and productivity.

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To our early birds and late risers… this article is for you both! If you’ve ever wondered what you could add to your morning simply by waking up a bit earlier than usual, we are here to help. Below you’ll find a list of beneficial morning activities for your mind, your body, and your overall clarity as you enter into the weekend or a workday. Keep reading to find out…

Early Morning Routine Attributes

  • Meditation: Above all, achieving a clear mental space ahead of completing errands, spending time with family or friends, or entering into work obligations is a key to set you up for professional and personal success. Meditation does not have to look like hard work and can be as simple as 5 minutes of your day! Remember, listing attributes of your life that you’re grateful for, clearing your mind, engaging in breathing, and any other form of mindfulness counts! It’s all about figuring out what works for YOU!
  • Substantial Breakfast: Let’s be honest, we know that when you say you’ve “had breakfast” it often means grabbing a cup of coffee and maybe a banana or granola bar on the way out the door. However, with a few extra minutes in the morning, you can create a breakfast that will fill not only your tummy but your mind with delight. Transforming this component of your morning into one that brings you peace and happiness will change the way you view morning food! We encourage you to make some eggs, avocado toast, and omelet, a fruit bowl with yogurt or oatmeal, granola or cereal, or any other “substantial” meal that will prove more nutritious than before!
  • Exercise or Stretching: That’s right, we’re hammering in our encouragement of exercise as we often do. Exercising may look like a morning walk, a short run, an elliptical, a weight online video, a yoga routine, or a stretching sequence! The world of exercise is at our fingertips with just a quick online search, so make sure to incorporate some time for this highly rewarding experience into your morning! Not only with your body prove better off, but you’ll also feel a higher sense of energy and productivity as a result too.
  • Daily Preparation: Finally, allowing yourself to relax and sit down for a few extra moments each morning will help provide you extra time and space to prepare for the day ahead. This may look like a google calendar, a physical planner, a quick sticky-note to-do list, or any other form of “scheduling” – regardless of the form it takes, planning out your day will create a sense of accountability and organization all at once!

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Hello everyone! We can’t believe that we are nearly halfway through April, and as we near summer, we are sure that many of you are still finding yourselves scrambling to find last-minute opportunities or internships to use to gain professional experience in the “off months” of school! If that sounds like you, keep reading here to view some of our tips for last-minute internship recruiting efforts that you can engage in right now…

Late Stage Networking…

Exploratory or Externship Opportunities

An easily overlooked component of professional growth may take the form of externship or exploratory opportunities for groups of students at earlier points in their academic careers (sophomores!) or at any point throughout the job life cycle. These programs often encourage students early in the game to “preview” companies for a few days at a time, participate in shadowing roles, or emerge in an internship environment for up to a week! You would be surprised at how many companies are beginning to offers these options to students as they begin to shape their recruiting efforts for future summers and years. So, if you haven’t landed an official “internship” – look ahead to see what types of introductory experiences you can grasp for this summer!

Spring Career Fairs

If you missed the Fall career fair, or are just generally looking to practice your elevator pitch or networking skills, attending a “late” or Spring Career fair may be the perfect next step for you! Not only does doing so allow you to gauge any open opportunity still available but is a perfect way to get ahead for the following year. Establishing initial interactions and relationships with recruiters at a variety of companies is an integral component of being remembered as a candidate and becoming considered for the following internship or role. So, make sure to check your University’s online job resource tools like Handshake and look ahead to any events being offered throughout this Spring and end of the semester!

  • Extra Tip: Always bring a few copies of your resume and business cards if you have them!

Informational Interviews and Networking

Our final tip of advice is too… and I’m sure you guessed it… NETWORK! Yes, we’ve said it 100 times before and we’ll say it again, get on LinkedIn, use your friends, family, and professors, and generally seek out any informational conversations that you can! Professionals love to talk about their own careers and almost all will be willing to offer you 30 minutes to learn more about their internship programs, things to do to mold into an awesome candidate for the next year, and learn more about a variety of roles that could unpredictably pique new interests.

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Hello everyone! As we sprung into a new season this week, we hope that many of you have engaged in refreshing strategies, clean-outs, and other means of recharging ahead of a fresh and warm next few months. Today, we have a special article in store! We’ve partnered with DesignWizard to teach you a comprehensive understanding of the main concepts and ideas around the best fonts for logos.

Are you in the business of creating new designs for your business (fonts, photos, logos, color palettes, social media posts, printed ads, and more)? Are you interested in how to best engage your audience?

Click here to view their full article and see all 50 Best Fonts for Logos!

At Esquire, not only are we in the business of connecting candidates with our wide array of clients, but we are equally interested in expanding our relationship with new businesses, startups, candidates, employees, ideas, and perspectives! That’s why when DesignWizard reached out with a great article, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to unite!

A Little About DesignWizard…

  • “Personalized: free features allowing you to magically resize your designs. Upload your fonts, photos, logos, and create custom color palettes.”
  • “Inspired: curated content that will inspire you to make amazing designs. Explore their library of over one million premium images, thousands of high-quality videos, illustrations, graphics, and more.”
  • “Protected: they ensure that every video and image in their library has been licensed for commercial use – protecting you from any copyright complications.”

Sneak Peek of Their Article…

We’ll let you in on a few secrets about what you can expect when reading their article…

  • Make sure it’s “easy to read against such a vivid background.”
  • Look into proportions: “The proportions of X example are square and structured, making it the perfect fit, and one of the best fonts for logos that are square.”
  • Vintage fonts may add an aura of professionalism and authority to any logo it’s used with.
  • Formality counts! “Bowlby One SC is a large, eye-catching display font that was designed to be used in an all-caps format. Its casual appearance is a great option for headlines and logos that don’t need to be too formal.”

We hope that you enjoyed our unique opportunity to feature an awesome company and utilize the valuable information in their article! Make sure to click to view the full page here. 

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Hello everyone and welcome back from a warm and refreshing weekend! Happy Holidays to those who’ve celebrated Passover, Good Friday, and Easter as well! As we can see and feel, the Spring season is now among us more than ever before. So, what does that mean for you and your productivity?! It’s time to CLEAN!

Let’s Spring Clean…


Spring cleaning is absolutely a phrase we all know and love. There’s no better way to engage in a refreshing mindset than to refresh the space around you. We are huge fans of engaging with the “turning hanger” rule – i.e.: decluttering any pieces of clothing you haven’t worn in the past few seasons, denoted by “turning the hanger” the opposite way once worn. Ask yourself questions like, “do I wear this?” “Is this still my style?” “Do I need this” “What is the function of this piece of clothing?” etc! In a matter of minutes, you’ll be able to decipher what clothing is special and meaningful to you, and which garments are simply taking up space. Feel free to apply this mindset to your office supplies, shoes, accessories, or anything else that you think deserves an update!

Switch it Up!

Spring is also a fantastic time to create a new space to operate in! Many of us have been cooped up in our last-minute bedroom renovated “office” spaces for the last year – it’s no doubt time for a change. Simply turning your bed in a different direction, moving your desk in front of a window, or “accessorizing” with a new lamp or curtain will totally transform the energy of your workspace. Even transitioning to a different room or floor in your home could create an entirely new and previously unforeseen way to work!

Re-evaluate Winter Goals

Finally, a new season brings an optimal moment to re-evaluate a goal set that had been created a few months prior. Are you on track with the little steps? Holding yourself accountable? Progressing towards an ultimate number, time, percentage, or another measure of success? If so, keep on chugging! If, instead you’re finding that a previously set goal no longer suits your motives, then this is a great time to re-draft your hopes and accountable measure for the rest of spring up to the start of summer.

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

As we enter into yet another weekend, we hope that you are able to find solace and relaxation as you importantly UNPLUG from work obligations! It is crucial to weekday and ongoing productivity that you recharge and take a break from daily tasks and obligations. So, if you’re someone who struggles to say no to work from Friday night – Monday morning, this article is for you! Keep reading to find out our favorite ways to relax and recharge…

Weekend Recharging

  • Set Boundaries in Advance: In order to truly achieve the goal of unplugging, set yourself up for success by creating boundaries in advance. This may look like a specific day in the week or a limited number of times you allow yourself to “check screens”, but whatever you choose, set a restriction to follow regarding your work and technology. Implementing these subtle goals will provide you a sense of achievement measure of accountability.
  • Make Plans! If you feel the same way as I do, that creeping feeling that settles in that you should be doing “more” occurs when I’m lying in bed and unoccupied. For that reason, try to occupy yourself over the weekend by creating a schedule or set of plans to take action through. If you’re asking yourself, “what do they mean?!” Here are some ideas…
    • A picnic, in-home date night, movie night, art project, workout class, long walks, new coffee shop, new recipe, tie-dying, crafting, a puzzle, a new podcast, virtual happy hour or GNO, or other do-it-yourself activities to stay engaged without screens!
  • Open Communication: Remember, just because your coworker or manager may stay online through all hours of the night does not mean that you must! Having an open communication plan where you let your manager and teammates know when you will and will not be reachable by mail or whatever it may be will relieve your sense of uncertainty and therefore need to stay in contact at all times. Creating standards and expectations across all areas of the business will help you to relieve yourself of the question of communication!

Above all, life is about working to live instead of living to work! Whether we are in the office or at home, finding a work-life balance is your key to maintaining motivation and a desire to be productive. So, relax and restore this weekend!

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Happy Monday you all! Are you in the final stages of interviewing?! Thinking about accepting a job?! Here’s how to go about it with professional etiquette, preparation, and poise. Keep reading to find out all of our tips and tricks…

Express Appreciation

Immediately after your interview concludes, and regardless of the outcome of your journey, we encourage you to continue showing gratitude to all employees who assisted you in this process. Writing a follow-up email, handwritten letter, and absolutely saying thank you before your interview concludes is a fantastic way to set yourself up for success. Expressing appreciation and excitement will set the tone off the right way, especially if your next step is negotiating.

Time Length

Maintain awareness of important timelines regarding your offer acceptance. Once you receive the formal written letter (either through email or sent to your permanent address), take a meaningful amount of time to review the terms, conditions, benefits, compensation, and all aspects of what your role will include. Doing so may take a few days, and that’s okay! Make sure to continue communicating with the hiring manager, maintain transparency, and proceed when you’re comfortable and ready.


After reviewing the offer, there’s a chance that you may see negotiating as an important strategy to hammer out all of the minuscule details or compensation in the form of salary, PTO, benefits, etc. Whether you value a 401K plan, health insurance coverage, or a few extra days off each year will be a completely personal and unique assessment of your own career and future mindest. Remember, there’s no better time to achieve the exact offer that you want than right before you accept, so make sure to take advantage of this moment now! Negotiating offers is also crucial to the way you are perceived by your employer – make sure to stay calm, kind, and polite in all environments!

Accepting the Offer

Finally, accept the offer! Write an acceptance letter- if you are corresponding over email, you can also email your letter. In your letter, you need to include a few things. To start, express your gratitude once again and write a thank you for the opportunity. Also, include verbiage stating that you accept the company’s offer (“I formally accept…”). You need to state what title you are accepting and recap the salary and benefits that you both agreed on. Recapping the salary and benefits will help ensure there isn’t any confusion on either side. Lastly, include the date you expect to start!

Ready, set, …. accept!!

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Hello friends! Today, we’re here to wrap-up our interview series by teaching you about what to expect during final round interviews and candidate’s day celebrations. You might have heard this term in other formats like “Super Day,” but we’re essentially referring to the final group of interviews that (in normal times) might mean you visiting the company headquarters, spending multiple hours on zoom, speaking to several employees, etc. Keep reading to find out how to nail it…

Final Round and Super Day!


Above all, the environment and your surroundings will heavily impact your connection to the interview as well as your portrayal as a candidate. We encourage you to rent an office space, library room, or clear out an apartment so as to avoid any unforeseen noises and distractions. If you are able to attend a final round or super day event in person, then we encourage you to arrive at least 10-15 minutes ahead of the start time so as to afford yourself a moment to settle down, mentally prepare, use the restroom and otherwise solidify your presence ahead of entering the room. Additionally, if you find that a cup of coffee provides you that boost of energy, a candle will elevate your “vibe,” or even a snack will bring you a sense of ease, then prep your at home “office” (can be a bedroom!) with these essentials to assist you as to progress through the day.


We may sound like a broken record, but it’s worth reiterating once more that additional practice will always assist you in standing out continuously as you progress through the interview process! Reaching out to employees or colleagues who have experienced similar interviews in the past, gathering information, using online resources and communications platforms, and otherwise becoming a “sponge” on all available information will help you become best prepared to make it to the end. It’s crucial to keep practicing that elevator pitch in the mirror, and even get ready to potentially speak to a panel of employees or interns or even other candidates in a group interview setting!


Our final point will focus on your presence as a candidate. Do you capture the room? Do you compliment the energy around you? Are you aware of the appropriate amount of participation in a group setting? Are you smiling and maintain a positive tone and body language? Are you thankful and gracious of your interviewers’ times? All of these components of your interview, in addition to your qualifications and answers, will serve to set you apart from other candidates at the same phase of the journey. So, practice your smile and handshake on family and friends, your eye contact in the mirror, and your answer in a short recording to solidify how you portray yourself to others!

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Prepare for tricky interview questions by checking our article here!

Welcome back from the weekend to all of our lovely followers! We are grateful to be feeling a new sense of beginnings as Spring and its warmth approach the Midwest and hope that you feel the same. Today, we’re here to continue on with our interview series as we take you through initial networking, first-round interviews, and now to second rounds! If you’ve made it to this stage with a company, congratulations! Follow along to best prepare yourself for sustained success below…

Recap: Last week, we pointed out the crucial concepts of maintaining awareness of your: environment, technology connection and performance, preparation, dress, engagement, and tone, and following up after your interview concludes! All of these components stay true to second rounds, with the following additions…

New Steps…

  • Question Complexity and Preparation: Comparing to your first interview, the following continue to increase in difficulty and content. Whether this means you should prepare for a technical question, a case study, a group interview, or even a panel with multiple interviewers at once, know that continuous preparation is essential to making it through these next few steps! We encourage you to use online resources like Glassdoor and other platforms that provide intel on interview processes, chat with your recruiters or hiring managers, and network with others who have experienced the process that you’re in! Collecting all information to best prepare questions is your key to success, so keep on pushing.
  • Length of Interview: As does the complexity of questions and expectations, the length of your interview will likely increase each round as well. So, we encourage you to solidify an effective, quiet, and calming environment to take the interview within. Make sure to set aside extra time to prepare before, get yourself settled and confirm technology accessibility, and wrap up without any outside interruption.
    • Extra Tip: Always always check that you’re in the right time zone ahead of entering the call!
  • More Follow-Ups! Treat these follow-ups the same as you had the first round. This means a personal and detailed thank you letter to each person you spoke with and to all other appropriate parties. Continuing to exemplify gratitude, excitement, and motivation for the role will make you a memorable and reliable candidate in the application pool.

On Thursday, we’ll continue teaching you what “Candidate’s Day,” and “Super Day” may entail as well as final round interviews.

Searching for a new position? Check out our open jobs list!

Prepare for tricky interview questions by checking our article here!